Pregnancy Week 39 – Still just waiting and preparing, waiting and preparing

A midwife, Agnes, came early on Tuesday and didn’t stay long. She is entirely happy with the baby’s movement, heart rate and position, happy with my protein levels and blood pressure, and happy with my positive attitude. She had a look around the house to see where the birth pool would stand, which she was happy with, and with the proximity of somewhere to be ‘land based’ for the delivery of the placenta. Overall, it would be fair to say, she was happy. Apparently the baby’s head is 2/5ths engaged, which means our Button has started the journey down the birth canal, and it’s now just a matter of waiting to see what happens. There are no estimates on time, and no guarantees of anything by any time.
My parents are arriving on Saturday, so it would be good if Button stayed put for a few days. They are coming a long way – the least we can do is wait for them!

For now we are just waiting. As we approach ‘term’ (which is forty weeks) the wait does feel longer. A lot of people talk about being ‘ready’ for the pregnancy to end about now, but it’s not quite like that for me. With the baby moving down my SPD is getting progressively worse, and my bladder requires more frequent emptying, especially at night, but apart from that I’ve not been in too much discomfort.

Although I’m not in a hurry for the pregnancy to end, I am really keen on meeting my baby. I wonder what he or she will be like, and I wonder how this new presence is going to change our lives. I’m nervous and excited and really looking forward to meeting my little one.
So this week we’ve really hit on ‘nesting’. Martin’s been working like a Trojan, just to get the house in shape, all the spare bits and pieces out of the way and as much ready as we can. We’ve spent so much time preparing now, it’s hard not to become impatient waiting for our baby’s arrival.

Till later,

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