Mamatography: Week 1

It’s a new year and a new photo challenge. I have been moaning far and wide about my camera being broken, and the fact that I’m using an old camera I’d given to Ameli to play with as my main camera again, with my BlackBerry for a back-up. Rather sad, no? Anyway – it’s about the memory and hopefully in the next few months I’ll have a ‘real’ camera again!

Herewith our first week in pictures. I hope it inspires you to record your days too, whether you share them or not!

01/366 – Jumping on the bed

We made a family bed in the lounge for New Years Eve and had an indoor picnic and watched a movie. Ameli loved the bed the next day. At least jumping up and down on it gave her the energy outlet she needed!

02/366 – Clearing Out

I’m doing this 5-5-5 project for January, although I started a little earlier to give it a test for Natural Parents Network challenge I wrote about yesterday.  Here’s the first of my ‘reuse’ pile, waiting to go to Freecyclers who’ve claimed it.

03/366 – Home Made

I’ve started making yoghurt and I am loving it. After taking these pictures I thought I should photograph each step, really, but never mind – by then we’d eaten it. One litre of milk becomes”yoghurt juice”, then some of it is strained for daily yoghurt portions – below is yoghurt, pureed half a banana for flavouring and sliced banana and chopped pecan nuts for topping with a stir of honey to sweeten it a little.  The next step, if there’s any left over yoghurt is to strain it for a few hours, add salt and herbs and make yummy cream cheese – and I mean yummy. 

04/366 – Swimming

Most of the pools here in the UK have what I think is a simply ridiculous policy: You’re not allowed to take photos in the public area. I mean, you could get someone else’s kids in the picture and do heaven knows what with it. It really irks.  So, this is Ameli, in the change room after a swim in a fun heated pool with a baby jacuzzi, adult jacuzzi, tipping bowl thing that sprays water over everyone and a big slide into the water. She had a fantastic time and we enjoyed spending time with our friends too.

Thanks for joining us for our first week in pictures!

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