Mamatography Week 15: The Mainly Foody One

A lot of food happened this week. I know that sounds odd, but so it was. Food and cuteness.

96/366 – Dinner. Outside Of Home. 

Martin and I went out for dinner for the first time in over a year. We’ve been planning it for weeks and weeks, but just not managed to get out the door. Remember a while ago, I had a Groupon competition? Well, this was one of the things I bought with my £100.

We went for dinner, which was nice. We took Aviya with us, but it was easy enough as she’s a pretty good sleeper. It was just nice to dress up, put on some make up and leave the house and have an actual sit down dinner.Very nice.

97/366 – Foraging

We went for what turned out to be a rather long walk as we scoured the countryside looking for Dandelions so we could make some delicious Dandelion Pesto for dinner. It was one of my first long walks since last summer, and it was really nice to be out and about again!

98/366 –  Daisies, My Love

This sweet little thing is my baby girl. Ain’t she a cutey?

99/366 – Erm….

My mother left today. It wasn’t really a day for photographs.

100 /366 –  Baking

We spent the morning in the kitchen today, catching up with a few recipes. I’ll be sharing them with you over the next few weeks, but look at this big girl creaming the butter and sugar (with supervision, of course)!

101/366 – Dandelions Galore

We’re thoroughly loving the bountiful plenitude of Dandelions available right now.The four of us went out for a walk to find more dandelions and when got home we fried them up into sweet and savoury fritters.

102/366- Erm…., Take Two

I blame children, and work and stuff… no photos again today!

Thanks for joining us for Mamatography this week! Do check out the other participants posts too!

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