When A Two Year Old Makes A Phone Call

So picture the scene:

Aviya is crying, miserable and grumpy today. She’s got white gums and is clearly teething and in need of a nap. I’m making breakfast, and I’ve popped her down while I check on the food in the oven. Ameli is lying next to the home phone, which we never, ever use, ‘talking to someone’ as she often pretends to do. I pick up Aviya to get her to stop crying – now screaming, actually – and feed her. Ameli says to me, “Mama, I’m just talking to someone”, I say, “Okay darling.”

Aviya quiets down, and I can hear a distant voice.

I check my phone. Nope, keylock is still on.

I check my laptop. Nope, nothing open there.

My husband enters the room as I hear Ameli say “I’m two years old” and I say, “Is there actually someone on the phone??” My husband heads over, hears a male voice and hangs up!

I say he really should have spoken to the person just to see who the heck was talking to our daughter!

He picks up the receiver again, and the person is still there!!!! (HOW does that work?)

After a brief conversation he hangs up again.

Ameli had called 999 (emergency services) accidentally – we’ve never had the 999 talk –  and had a conversation with the emergency people. Because he could hear a baby crying in the background, he had alerted an ambulance to come to us!

Martin had to repeat that everything was fine about 10 times.

We’ve now unplugged the phone.

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