Mamatography Week 39 & 40: Catching Up

It’s been an incredibly busy and stressful few weeks for us as we’ve tried to jump through every hoop the Australian High Commission has thrown at us so that we can get to my mother’s side and provide support and help for her and my dad. We’re still here and still waiting for my visa, and as a result, these past two weeks have been incredibly tense as we’ve hung about in limbo. I’ve also barely taken the camera out of it’s bag in this time, so sadly, all my pictures are badly snapped phone photos. I’m really selling them, aren’t I! 😉

265/366 – Sleepy Girl 

With Ameli I had the daily 3am lie and watch her sleep. Aviya doesn’t really wake in the night, so I’ve never had that 3am thing with her. But that doesn’t mean I don’t get to lie and watch her sleeping from time to time. What a blessed privilege it is.

266/366 – Red Tape Day

I’ve spent days doing nothing but filling in forms, in between trying to be a mother and trying to ‘carry on’ as ‘normal’.  Today we went to town do have passport photos and visa photos done. What beautiful girls I have!  We actually went to a restaurant after this as a family, for the first time since… I think since we left South Africa last March! No starters, no deserts, but still, nice to have dinner prepared by someone else.

269/366 – Back In The Woods

Nothing like nature to clear your thoughts, and settle your mind.

270/366 – Family

My husband and I met in 2002. We started dating in 2003 and married in 2004. In just one month, we’ll have known each other for 10 years. Today I met his eldest sister for the first time! Julie and her family live in Australia, so our paths have just never crossed. It was really nice meeting her though, and the family resemblance between Martin and his two sisters is remarkable! My father in law took us to dinner and I was so proud of the girls! (And grateful that we’d inadvertently done a restaurant trial run a few days ago!) They were so well behaved. (That’s my mum-in-law colouring with Ameli in the picture.)

272/366 – Passport

I have to give credit where it’s due. The UK passport service have been amazing. When I spoke to them on the phone, they offered their condolences, and they did their best to speed along the process and make it painless for us. They took so much of my stress away and were just nice when they had no obligation to be. I took the girls to London to hand in the papers, and Aviya had her passport four hours later. It was here that I first saw the letter from my mother’s oncologist, and I burst into tears right there. IPS were so kind.

Also, we took a bus ride to meet Martin so he could take the girls home while I went on to the MAD Awards. I love this photo of them on the bus. I think it has such an excited and awed feel to it. Maybe that’s just me! Love my rain-spotting girls though.

273/366 – Fat Lip

There are perils to having a big sister. One of the side effects can be injury. To be honest I’m just pleased we made it to almost 7 months before the first blood was drawn.

276/366 – Science Birthday And The Ties That Bind

Well, today was my birthday, but Martin had to go to London for work. The girls and I were going to use the last day on our Legoland Passes to have a big day out, but when we go there it was shut, so we drove around looking for something else to do. We found the Lookout Discover Centre and killed a few hours there. Ameli really loved it, though she was too young for a lot of it, she still had fun.

A bit of a non-day, really, but anyway. In the evening, I went to my friend Sara’s house and had a girly evening with a group of friends. I was given a glorious hand and foot massage, and just an evening of actual chatting as Aviya and baby Lucian were the only two children in the room. My friend Laura brought a ball of wool and we did the Red  Thread ceremony that normally goes with blessingways, but we did it with purple wool, all strung together and it’s been wonderful, every time I see my ‘purple thread’ bracelet, knowing that I have a community of friends behind me. I am so blessed.  (Picture borrowed from Kate!)

So, as you can see, a rather unexciting week, very dull actually, and positively frustrating but with a lovely, emotional and touching end. And in all of it my girls are beautiful spirits that keep me ticking over. I love them so much.

See what’s been going on for other mothers around the blogosphere!

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