Mamatography Week 51: Making Memories

We’ve been in a weird sort of limbo of late. My mother is having regular Vitamin C intravenous treatment and while it may not be doing anything for the cancer itself, as far as we know, she has more energy than most of us, and you wouldn’t know she was sick if you didn’t know. We’ve taken advantage of that, and done a bit of travelling. My mom’s wanted to show us around Western Australia for a long time, and now she’s getting the chance.

348/366 – A Beachy Day

We’ve been resting for much of this week. Today we spent between the pool and the beach. Ameli is getting better at taking photos, and my girls are enjoying the beach. I love Aviya’s toes pointing as she squeals in glee.

349/366 – A Snow Globe Down Under

There was a city centre festival for Christmas. The girls and I went to enjoy the evening out and I just loved the idea behind this snow globe. So did the rest of Perth and we queued for over an hour for our 90 seconds inside!

350/366 – Faulkner Volcano Park

What a fab park is Faulkner Volcano Park?! Top left is a ‘Volcano’ that ‘steams’ every few minutes (water spray, I think!). Top right is Ameli with our new friend Sammy playing on toadstools at the foot of the volcano, and bottom right she’s ‘digging’ with one of the diggers for playing with. Aviya’s been awake a lot more in the last few months, though you would’t know it from how well she slept in the park!

351/366 – Family Photo Shoot

We had a family shoot together, the first in many years. Here’s my mother and father waiting for the photographer to get his camera ready for the next shot.

352/366 – Dalwallinu

On the road again, we headed up north, into the outback. Our first stop was a town called Dalwallinu. You know those one horse towns in the middle of nowhere? Well, this was one, about a hundred years ago. Till the horse died. The people were friendly though, and we pushed the bed together for the girls, my sister and I to have the biggest family bed ever.

354/366 – Desert and Sea

This is the outback, folks. It’s gorgeous. Dry. Hot. A lot of flies, but beautiful.

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