Week 36: A Little More Local

247 – Boots

Aviya has always loved her boots, since she first started wearing shoes. She gets oddly excited about shoes – something she doesn’t get from me!  – and is more than happy that we’re in the boots wearing time of year, for sure.

248 – Best Friends

Ameli’s ‘best friend’ is the person she’s with that day. It seems she took the whole ‘love the one you’re with thing quite to heart. She does love her best friends though.

249 – Flowers

What is it about surprise flowers that can just lift your spirits and make you feel so appreciated. A friend brought these around, and I loved them. They lasted for ages too.

250 – Indoor Jazz Picnic

The village of Hartley Whitney has an annual jazz festival we planned on going to again this year, but it was raining so much we kind of gave up on it. I’m not sure if it went ahead or not, but we went to my friend Karen’s instead, and all had our picnic indoors at her house, while still listening to jazz, but on Spotify.

251 – Stairs!

Just like her big sister, Aviya figures this is a much faster and more efficient way to get down stairs. And the Quack Quack Moo pyjamas are beyond cute.

How does something so deliciously cute and small take up so much space?

251– Lazy Monday

A lazy-ish Monday for us. Or at least as lazy as a day at home with two little ones ever is. We went to the library and found these Change 4 Life activities. They’re pretty cool. There’s a spinner that gives you activities to do, like running around a pillow or doing jumping jacks. It was a great way to burn some energy!

252 -Eastrop Park, Basingstoke

We try to alternate paid weeks with free weeks in our Mamaventurers group, so last week we paid to go in to the Sculpture Park in Farnham, and this week we went to a free park in Basingstoke, Eastrop Park. We had a great day out, and it cost us only the coffee we bought at the end of the day. Totally worth it, even though none of the activities were running.

When you’re three, there’s so much to discover and learn, even in the most basic of things, like a clear stream.

Thanks for joining us for our week in pictures!

This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project with Diary of a First Child and Momma Jorje.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!


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