Downtime DIY: Weekend Projects for You and Your Printer

Guest post by John Sollars

You might think of your printer as a useful workhorse that makes life a bit easier by printing out
driving directions, boarding passes and tickets together with the odd document or two, but it is
actually more versatile than that.

If you are looking for something to do at home or to keep the kids entertained with a craft project that won’t break the bank, there are a number of ideas that you might want to consider which can be tackled using uv flatbed printers to get you started.

Model-making opportunities

Papercraft is very popular and this is a DIY-modelling community where people create models using just their printer and some paper, glue or tape and scissors.

Take a look at the Paperkraft.net website and you soon realise that there are some very interesting and sometimes challenging craft projects you can embark upon, depending on your enthusiasm and perhaps your craft skills.

There is something for everyone and you can create all sorts of retro tech items and sci-fi models or almost anything that you want to have a go at making.

Photo cake

You might need to ensure that you find an online supplier for HP ink cartridge replacement or whatever brand you use, so that you have plenty of ink in stock and don’t run out halfway through a project.

Some of the big supermarkets offer you the chance to print a favourite image onto a cake, which looks great and is always well received by the recipient on their birthday or to mark a special occasion.

You can actually do this yourself at home, which means being able to bake your own cake using the ingredients you want in it and then printing out a photo on an edible frosting sheet to put on the cake.

For a one-off cake, it might turn out to be too expensive to get the sheets and the edible inks you need, but if you plan to make a habit of it, then producing your own photo cake will be quite rewarding.

Create your own camera

Not many people would think that you could create a working camera out of paper, but it is possible however improbable it sounds. If you are wanting digital technology then you are going to be disappointed but you can actually create a pinhole camera which works with an old unused 35mm film.

The building process might stump a few people at first but you can get the inspiration you need for this ambitious project by viewing the original instructions for the Dirkon Paper Camera. There are numerous applications and ideas that you can use your printer to complete and many people turn out to be very surprised just how underused their device has been up to this point.

Printing out your own boarding passes and favourite photos is putting your printer to good use but printing out a 3D model or even a working camera, takes it to a new level and will ensure you never have another dull weekend again.

John Sollars is a business owner of many years. When he gets the time, he likes to sit down and share what has worked for him. Look for his informative posts on a number of websites and blogs today.

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