Birthday Poem For A Newborn – My Baby’s Eyes

You looked up and in to my eyes

And in that moment

My whole world changed

Time stood still,

And sped up

I saw your first steps, words, bruise

I saw your first day of school

Your first kiss, tears, disappointment

Your first love, graduation, wedding

I saw your first home away from ours

And your first baby.

I saw a future unfold with unspeakable joys

in which my heart would ache,

My heart would break,

And my love for you would never fade.

I blinked and saw you again, looking up at me

With those beautiful eyes, in full acceptance,

Full appreciation, full love, staring up at me

Unconditionally loving me, as my eyes unconditionally love you back.

You changed me

My hopes, my dreams, my life

By simply looking up at me

And knowing who I am.

 – Luschka van Onselen

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