Oh Boy! Here We Go Again! (An Announcement)

Have I got news for you.

Watch this, itā€™ll only take 32 seconds ā€“ for you, at least šŸ˜‰ :


If you canā€™t watch it for some reason, hereā€™s the transcript:

Or, as my colleague Tamsin announced to the Twitterverse recently:

Remember recently when I wrote about why I donā€™t ā€˜getā€™ waiting for 13 weeks before sharing the great news? Well, this is money where your mouth is time.

Iā€™m pregnant. Iā€™m probably only around 3-4 weeks, (which has caused at least two people to roll their eyes and be rather patronising, as if itā€™s not a real pregnancy yet) but hey ho, to each their own. I remember seeing Ameli on the screen when I was three weeks pregnant. It may just be a mass of cells, but itā€™s my mass of cells, growing in me.

My pregnancy with Ameli started much the same as this one, with a missed period, spotting, bleeding, and then nausea and tiredness. Ā It was the spotting that led me to taking the test in the first place. And Iā€™ve been pretty exhausted the last few days too. But really it was the spotting and the UTI. I spent the third to the 20th week of my last pregnancy terrified that I was losing my baby due to the constant bleeding.

In some ways, that is a relief to me now. I feel more confident that itā€™ll be okay. I also feel that now, if I lose this baby, Iā€™ll feel silly for telling people. Itā€™s so easy to see why women are left with the feelings they have after a miscarriage. Like itā€™s something youā€™ve done wrong. Or something you just werenā€™t good enough, fit enough, healthy enough, and so on to do.

My thoughts so far have largely been around the state of homebirth in our new area. I have no idea what itā€™s like here. I might have to start looking into private midwives. Ā After my last beautiful birth, I know thereā€™s no way I could go for a hospital birth if I didnā€™t have to ā€“ especially since in one month of living here, Iā€™ve had two mothers tell me about their terrible experiences at our local hospital.

So, fingers crossed, this will be like Ameli. A bleed for some time, but a beautiful bouncing baby after. Ā Tired and nausea pass. But hopefully, thisā€™ll be my child forever.

Itā€™s early days yet, but celebrate this life with me.


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