How To Raise A Child While Disciplining Less

Elisabeth from Manic Mrs Stone posted this (via The Child Whisperer) a couple of days ago, and I have not been able to get it off my mind. My life circumstances are such at the moment that Ameli is in a different country, in a new home, missing her daddy something fierce and surrounded by other people, many with different parenting ideas to my own. This graph came to me at just the right time, and confirmed for me what I know about my child, and about how best to manage her time, encourage her stimulation and in so doing, prevent tantrums and the ‘need’ for discipline.

I know that 9 times out of 10, when she needs to be ‘disciplined’, it’s because I’ve dropped the ball. (For example, she’s done something ‘naughty’ because she was bored because I was chatting away on my phone!)

Anyway, I hope this graph sheds some light for you, or reminds you how to respond to your child’s needs.

Read: Encouraging Words For Kids for more fantastic insights into raising happy, successful and cooperative children. 

Going through a tough time yourself? Read Parenting in Tough Times

Sometimes a child needs a little Love Bombing to help them feel connected

And these children’s books are wonderful for reminding little ones of our love

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