Friday Features: “I Thought I Knew Mama”

I Thought I Knew Mama is written by one of my NPN Volunteer friends and it’s an amazing resource to keep bookmarked and keep scanning for those topics that tickle your fancy. Charise writes about many things pertaining to motherhood, parenting and growing into the role of attachment parent and conscious inhabitant of the planet. Her blog is inspirational, informative, and really very friendly.

On Thursdays you’ll find the Green And Natural Mama link up, with such topics as What is BPA? Why is it bad? What can I do? And practical posts, such as 10 Ways to Keep Your Toddler Active This Fall or 5 Easy Ways for Pregnant Women to Reduce Their Exposure to Chemicals.

Another superbly useful category on I Thought I Knew Mama is ‘Growing Greener’, with frugal ways to living a greener life, such as the post on 3 Items in your Kitchen Pantry that will Clean Your Face Naturally and 3 Natural Cold and Flu Remedies.

You’ll find an abundance of healthy and delicious looking recipes, and insightful thoughts on Natural Parenting.

There is actually so much I could share on I Thought I Knew Mama, but really, the best thing you can do for yourself is to pop over hand have a browse around. You’ll probably learning something, even though you may not know it at the time, but either way, you’ll not regret the time you spend there!

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