Welcome to the first ever page about the Festival of Food Carnival, hosted by Diary of a First Child and Hybrid Rasta Mama. This quarterly carnival will aim to bring together seasonal recipes, healthy food, and a diversity of flavours and techniques. While Jennifer and I are hoping you’ll link up your favourite recipes, we’d also love to see you try out other’s favourites. I know I’m looking forward to learning about different ingredients, and adapting some new recipes into our diet.

Here are the submission details for June/July 2012:

Theme: Summer Time: The idea with this theme is to bring together a resource of easy, quick, easy to transport recipes for picnics, camping, hiking and other warm weather activities. We prefer recipes with low sugar/natural sweeteners and as few processed ingredients as possible. However, we understand that life happens, so please share your healthiest recipe that is also practical for busy families.

DeadlineWednesday, June 27: Fill out the webform and email your submission to us by 11:59 p.m. GMT at diaryofafirstchild [at] gmail.com and hybridrastamama [at] Hotmail.com

Carnival date: Wednesday, July 4. Before you post, we will send you an email with a little blurb in html to paste into your submission that will introduce the carnival. You will publish your post on July 4th. We’ll include full instructions in the email we send before the posting date.

Please submit your details into our web form: This will help us as we compile the links list prior to the carnival.

Please do: Write well. Write on topic. If you’re using very uncommon ingredients, write something about them so your readers learn something new, or at least link to some information of them.

Please don’t: Please don’t use profanity of the sort that might be offensive to more sensitive readers or their children. Please don’t submit irrelevant posts.

Editors’ rights: We reserve the right to edit your piece or suggest edits to you. We reserve the right to courteously reject any submissions that are inappropriate for the carnival. Please also note that since there are two co-hosts on different schedules and conferring over email, our personal response to your submission might seem delayed. Don’t be alarmed. We also reserve the right to impose consequences if the responsibilities of the carnival are not fulfilled by the participants.

If you have questions: Please leave a comment or contact us at diaryofafirstchild [at] gmail.com and hybridrastamama [at] Hotmail.com

Links to tutorials: Lauren, Dionna, and Dionna’s husband, Tom, from the Natural Parents Network have written several tutorials about how to schedule posts in advance, how to determine post URLs in advance, how to edit HTML — all for both WordPress and Blogger users. For these tutorials and more, please see this handy summary post at LaurenWayne.com.

Stay in touch:

Show off: Add the code below to your post to identify it as a carnival contribution:

Festival of Food Carnival