Please welcome Andrea for week two of the Olympics theme, but week 7 of Summer Camp at Home!

Colours: Black, red, yellow, green, blue
Shapes: Cirlcle, rectangle
Field trip: swimming/ spraypark
Playdough: red and white (Or whichever colour represents your country!)

Monday: Swim Goggles

Tuesday: Olympic Ring Printing 

Rainbow cake with the olympic colours

Wednesday: Ice Hockey (I know its a winter olympic sport!) , make little sticks

Thursday: Olympic medal chart , great math activity! We’ll follow the countries where our family lives

Friday: Opening ceremony, make and decorate a podium, raisin bread with strawaberries and cream cheese for snack (make canadian flag)

Big Shout out to Sun Hats And Welly Boots this week for her fantastic Olympics Themed ideas!
Hello campers!

Our second week of Olympic fun was a busy one. I am afraid that, once again I didn’t get to half the things I wanted to do with my boys! We did continue to eat our way around the world, and had a lovely stirfry for China, a beef roast with veggies and gravy for the UK and Omelettes for France.
I was also really fortunate to pick up a giant illustrated world map for $8 at our local wholesalers. It promptly replaced our little map and is now the feature of our “Olympic wall”

On Monday I surprised the boys with lovely raspberry flavoured, red glittery playdough. They loved it! My oldest immediately made a Canadian flag, he was so proud! I offered it with a variety of red and white objects.

On Tuesday we did the Olympic ring printing, I showed the boys a picture of the Olympic rings and they set about printing with loo rolls. It was interesting to see how the little one printed lots of rings practically on top of each other, as he wanted them to be interlocking. His older brother however, made sure that he used the colours in the right sequence. It’s amazing to see the world through their eyes!

Wednesday was a rainy, stormy day, so we made our medal chart and decorated it with shiny stars. We have already started tracking medals and decided to add china as the last country on our list. The athletes are doing great aren’t they?

My boys had an away day on Thursday, they visited their grandparents so that I could get a little bit of work done for my other job 🙂

Friday was a fantastically fun day! We started the day of with an Olympic breakfast, I made toast with strawberry cream cheese, and used strawberries to make a maple leaf pattern on top. And then I added sparklers. The boys we amazed! They ate every bit, and then asked for more!

We went for a long walk and then had a nice long nap, I wanted the boysto watch the opening ceremony with me, so we made sure everyone was well rested. We played a little bit of ice hockey, and then had an early bath. It was a combination of shot put and synchronized swimming as I added about 30 water balloons to their bath. It was great fun and we were all soaking wet!

We had our own little opening ceremony parade. I dressed the boys in a Canadian flag each, and they wore their crowns and torches. Quote of the day: little one: “are we superheroes?” big brother: “no, we’re Canadian!”

 I hope you have as much fun as we did, and good luck to all the wonderful men and women who are competing!
I hope you all have a wonderful week of playing and spending time together as a family!  If you want to share pictures from your activities, please add them to the Flickr Album!

If you participate and would like to share your projects on our weekly project wall, you can upload your photos to our Flickr album. They stay your photos, but will appear in our album. You can remove them at any time. We’d love  to see how the projects inspire you, even if you just use it as a starting point!

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Andreas Summer Camp At Home

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