I love the ocean. It is to me, human emotion in water form. It gives you calm, and beauty, and peace, serenity, power, anger… every human emotion, the ocean can reflect onto us and from us. There’s little that can calm, center and focus me as much as a morning spent on the beach, my toes in the sand, just listening to the rhythm and song of the waves. Something in the water speaks to my soul, always has and always will. These are all the reasons why I always look forward to having a vacation at the beach and booking a Private Beachfront Villa Rental or a beachfront hotel room.
So it’s only natural that I would want to share a little of that passion with my children. I also have beautiful memories of holidays with my family in Gordon’s Bay, South Africa, bobbing for hours in the freezing water of the Indian ocean. Once your legs and arms were numb you could spend hours popping up and down in the water. Bliss. Pure and simple. Or the see-through waters of Malaysia where you can see through to the coral and tropical fish swimming below. Memories of my childhood, and early adulthood.
I hope my children can say the same one day… even if the early memories are of jumping the waves on the Isle of Wight. What a brilliant way to learn coordination, overcome fears, manage risk. All the while squealing, peals of laughter working up a huge appetite, absorbing vitamin D and gearing yourself up for the best night’s sleep ever. Although, bear in mind that wave jumping at ages 4 and 2 may look a little different to how you or I may do it 😉
[youtube rJbqgCPtuQE]
We’re completing the National Trust’s #50Things campaign because, well, it’s great. This was number 20: Jump over waves on their list. You can see the full list here.
Wave Jumping And Other Seafront Pastimes http://t.co/PJox7s6mnM #50things #projectsseries #50things #nationaltrust