I love finding good stuff. I think it’s the feeling ‘normal’ women get when they find a killer pair of shoes or a designer dress at a bargain price – a bit of a rush, excitement and sheer joy. That’s how I feel when I find something that I think is just straight up GOOD. And that’s how I feel about the Eco Kids Planet magazine*.
As a home educating family, I think this magazine is particularly useful, but at the same time I think it’s great for any child who might enjoy watching Animal Planet – and in fact most children do, given half a chance.
Eco Kids Planet Magazine is aimed at 7 – 11 year olds, but my six year old enjoys reading through them too though she needs some help at some parts of it, and finds it a little wordy in parts – not a problem for someone who doesn’t have to concentrate on every word, I think.
Each magazine deals with a specific area of geography. Issue 11 was The Eastern Himalayas, and Issue 12 was India for example.
Within the general scope of the country there are different articles exploring things like the wild life, or specific things within that region. For example, in the Himalayas region, there’s a discovery article for Incredible Animals, an article on The Mystery of the Yeti, Honey Hunters of the Himalayas, and an interview with a snow leopard.
In the India issues, there’s a feature article on the Mighty River Ganges, an interview with a Bengal Tiger, an article on animals of the Ganges, an ancient folk tale from India and a Jungle Book ‘Fact & Fiction’ article.
Each issue also has activities like colouring, cut and play activities, crosswords and a science or nature project.
There are even pull-out posters, with world maps or animals or board games and so on.
From start to finish each magazine will probably keep a child busy for an hour or two, but obviously these are really only starting points – you could get them to read The Jungle Book, or do a project on what they’ve learned, or whatever is age appropriate and takes your fancy.
It looks like the next issue, Issue 13, is on Scotland, which is fantastic for us as there’s an easy ‘link’ there, with it being a country they are already familiar with, so it’s an easy starting point. And there’s an article on unicorns, so that’s an easy win.
I love this magazine for the same reasons I loved the StoryBox magazine from the same publisher – there’s no ‘free’ tat that comes along with it, the paper is decent quality and these feel like books you can put on the shelf and refer to again and again, but they provide bite-sized bits of information, so not as overwhelming as an encyclopaedia might be. There’s no advertising, except for the magazine itself, and the paper is FSC certified and even the ink is biodegradable vegetable ink.
Eco Kids Planet also has a current offer on where you can pick up 3 magazines for £6, with their direct debit offer. There are no extra upfront payments, no need for renewal notices, and you can cancel at any time. The magazines are normally £3.50 or subscribe and save £8, paying £28 for 11 issues with the code ISSUE11 here.
We really think these are a valuable, enjoyable and thoroughly worthwhile subscription.
I was given a year’s subscription in exchange for a review. Opinions are honest and my own.
Eco Kids Planet Magazine Review http://t.co/zElLTZAiyo
Eco Kids Planet Magazine Review http://t.co/zElLTZAiyo
RT @Luschkavo: Now here’s a centrefold I love my kids to see! @EcoKidsPlanet is a fantastic #kidsmagazine for inquisitive minds http://t.co…
RT @Luschkavo: Now here’s a centrefold I love my kids to see! @EcoKidsPlanet is a fantastic #kidsmagazine for inquisitive minds http://t.co…
Now here’s a centrefold I love my kids to see! @EcoKidsPlanet is a fantastic #kidsmagazine for inquisitive minds http://t.co/bEF29gq1jA
RT @Luschkavo: @EcoKidsPlanet magazine for kids is just brilliant. Two issues in, we are loving it! http://t.co/bEF29gq1jA http://t.co/7Atl…
RT @Luschkavo: @EcoKidsPlanet magazine for kids is just brilliant. Two issues in, we are loving it! http://t.co/bEF29gq1jA http://t.co/7Atl…
@EcoKidsPlanet magazine for kids is just brilliant. Two issues in, we are loving it! http://t.co/bEF29gq1jA http://t.co/7AtlGy8H5g
@EcoKidsPlanet magazine for kids is just brilliant. Two issues in, we are loving it! http://t.co/bEF29gq1jA http://t.co/7AtlGy8H5g
RT @BabyStuffTips: Eco Kids Planet Magazine Review http://t.co/xFCw8n1MEL @Luschkavo
RT @BabyStuffTips: Eco Kids Planet Magazine Review http://t.co/xFCw8n1MEL @Luschkavo
Eco Kids Planet Magazine – ideal for #homeed kids & nature lovers. Perfect #kidsmagazine @magazinecouk http://t.co/bEF29gHCIa via @luschkavo
Eco Kids Planet Magazine Review http://t.co/sJhyJMEUuV #goodstuff #products #reviews #toppicks #ecokidsplanet
Eco Kids Planet Magazine Review http://t.co/xFCw8n1MEL @Luschkavo