Challenge Five for 30 Days to Hands On Play was Playdough. We’ve played with some of the bought stuff once before, but it’s been very me directed, with a lot of ‘no, don’t put it in the carpet’, ‘uh-uh, out your mouth’ and stuff like that. So I was a bit nervous about this challenge, but gave it a go.

The dough was super quick and easy to make, and we made pink strawberry scented dough and yellow lemon scented dough. It took oke taste for Ameli not to want to eat any more, so that took care of that.

As it was our first ‘real’ time, I did make a few suggestions, of things like turning the cookie cutters the sharp side down, and so on, but for the most part, she just played and I watched – until she discovered balls and I had to roll a gazillion bits of dough into balls.

Our fifteen minutes of play was almost fifty minutes when I had to stop for some work, which unfortunately didn’t go down well with our intrepid ball roller, but we had fun up to that point, anyway. 




Hands On Play: Playdough

  1. Great post. Homemade play dough is a staple in this house. We jazz it up sometimes for sensory play by adding things to it like rice, glitter or string/yarn cut 2-3 inches in length.

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