My beautiful girls. So in love with the life that they bring into my days.

215/366 – First Friends

Aviya and Harry – South African friends came round for a South African food day, which happened to fall on South Africa’s ‘National Women’s Day’. Just loved the shared snuggles and making friends.

216/366 – Purple Eyes, Like Mama

Okay, don’t judge me! I went out a few days ago and wore make-up. I know… once upon a time that was the norm. Anyway, since then, Ameli’s been saying ‘I want purple eyes, Mama, like you.’  Well, we did it, she wore it for a few hours and she’s not asked again since. But she enjoyed it.  She did walk around all afternoon going, “Look Mama, I’m Luschka” though, which was rather sweet.

217/366 – Granny And Grandpa

The inlaws came for a visit. It’s so lovely seeing them – they are just really great people.

218/366 – My First Sensory Box

Aviya doesn’t sit up unassisted yet, which really bugs me! By this age, Ameli was crawling already! But then, I always used to say that she robbed me of a ‘babyhood’ since she did everything so fast, so I don’t know why I’m complaining now! Anyway, if she could sit up she’d have a lot more fun, but since she doesn’t, she flops over a lot. I gave her a box of ribbons to play with, and she tried to eat the box and then the ribbons, and then she flopped over, but at least she had fun for a few minutes.

219/366 – Picnic Baby

We walked to a local friend’s house, and Ameli and her son played while Aviya watched. Such a cutie though.

220/366 – Garden Centre Fish

I took the girls out for a walk at our local garden centre with another friend, and just snapped pictures as we went along. Here’s Ameli looking in the mirror (what a stunning picture, right?), and the next one is Aviya getting a pedicure* from the koi fish. She wasn’t sure about it!

*They just nibbled at her toes, not painful, not a real pedicure.

What else has been happening in the world this week? Let me know!

One comment

Mamatography Week 33: Growing Girls

  1. Haha, purple eyes! She looks like a fairy. You know I can’t find my make up? I haven’t used it for so long that I can’t remember where it is! I love the pic in the mirror, really beautiful!
    Take care,

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