Actually, it’s not a small thing at all. It’s a big thing, a massive thing. With a 6kg dry and 9kg wet capacity.
Remember last week, when I told you about Hyperemesis Gravidarum and how sick water was making me? The smell of water, that is? And how my washing machine, drying laundry and wearing clothes from my washing machine were making me vomit?
Well, I was contacted by a company who offered me a free washing machine. Yeah, right. What’s free? Well, here’s what they wanted in return from me: A link to their tumble dryers page.
Sounds to be good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, here’s what happened:
Two days later, a washing machine arrived, with a nice delivery man to help the husband plug it all in, and move the landlord’s machine into the garage. I arrived home to find a shiny new machine busy doing a maintenance cycle.
I know you’re wondering why I’m writing an entire post about a washing machine. Here’s why:
It took us 12 loads over 3 days to get all our dirty clothing, bedding, and towels washed and dried (sorry environment and sorry electricity bill!). In that first load, my heart was in my throat. Would it work? Would a different machine smell differently?
And for the first time in five months, I was able to be in the kitchen at the same time the washing machine was on. More importantly, I can get dressed without gagging. And my house doesn’t smell like line-drying clothing – a smell no one else was able to smell!
It’s not a small thing, being able to see my bedroom floor has made me wake up and actually feel positive about the day, rather than wake up with a sinking feeling. Walking down the stairs doesn’t fill me with a feeling of dread as I anticipate the assault of drying laundry on my nostrils.
In the last five days, I’ve taken two, that’s two anti-sickness tablets. I still feel sick sometimes, but I don’t throw up anymore. (I came pretty close two nights ago after eating a bowl full of vegetables, but that’s when I took one of the tablets. I can’t seem to eat anything other than cake and spring rolls at the moment, so I’m not sure what’s worse, my diet or the pills, but I’m waiting for a new prescription to come through anyway.)
I can’t say it’s all down to the washing machine, but let me tell you, it’s been an incredible catalyst, and this week I’ve managed to clean my house from top to bottom. I’ve managed to be positive, and to not dread being at or going home because of a smell no one else could smell. I feel like everything’s turned around on this sickness, and I’m very grateful.
So, thanks Appliances Online. I’m beyond grateful.
What wonderful news!
@Julia @ A Little Bit of All of It, Thanks Julia. I can’t believe the difference it’s made!