Theraline have been wonderful supporters of Diary of a First Child during National Breastfeeding Week two years running, but we’ve never actually reviewed any of their products, so with me now being well into my 26th week of pregnancy, I was very pleased to receive the brand new Theraline Plushy Moon pillow for review and competition.

My very first impression of the Theraline Plushy Moon is that it is a deluxe version of what I used to use. It is shaped like a crescent moon, and has a gorgeous firm shape. It tapers towards the top and bottom which seems to mould it around the bump a little better.

I was always a tummy sleeper, but with my first pregnancy and subsequent co-sleeping, I have evolved into a back sleeper. No matter how many times I wake in the night and turn onto my left side, I will always wake up on my back. Having a pillow to sleep next to which doesn’t put a huge amount of distance between myself and my toddler is incredibly useful – especially as she’s a sleep kicker.

The Plushy Moon is filled with micro-beads which are meant to conform to your body and make your sleep more comfortable.

I haven’t used this as a breastfeeding pillow yet – I’m sure I will in a few months time – but I’m sure it will work very well for that specifically because it’s smaller than your average pregnancy/nursing pillow, so you don’t have a bulk of excess pillow around you.

For that reason, you can also use it quite comfortably as a pillow or back support. We have very deep sofas, so using the Plushy Moon as an additional back support is …. well, supportive. It definitely helps for long afternoons on the sofa, hiding from the cold and dark.

One side of the Plushy Moon is a soft material, which is lovely for cuddling up to. Also, if you’re planning to travel or to store it between pregnancies, it comes in a very useful display bag.

There are a few niggles with the Plushy Moon though. Firstly, it doesn’t remain firm for a very long time. After a few weeks of use (and a bit of abuse) it has lost some of it’s firmness. If you like a soft pillow, that won’t be a problem. It also doesn’t have a removable cover, so if your toddler thinks the pillow is a good way to clean her blackboard, for example, the whole thing has to go into the washing machine. That’s not a crises per se, but it would have been helpful to just have a removable pillow cover.

Even so, at £23.95, I’ve had more expensive bedding, and it fulfils its purpose. It also looks really comfy, so if someone comes to visit and finds it on the sofa, they may use it as extra padding without even realising that it’s not meant to be part of the furniture! Of course, if you’re nursing, feel free to fight it off them.


To be in with a chance to win the Theraline Plushy Moon Maternity and Nursing Pillow, head over to Theraline’s page, then come back  here and let me know which colour you’d prefer.

The competition end at 23:59 on 5 December, and the winners will be chosen at random using 

Theraline have a Facebook page, you can ‘like’ to find out about special offers and new products. If you do, please let them know I sent you! You can also follow Diary of a First Child on Facebook to keep up to date with future competitions and other news. If you follow either on Facebook, leave a comment below so that I know you have!

 The winner is Sally W

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Theraline Plushy Moon Review

  1. I love the yellow, not for me – I’ve stopped now after three- but a friend is having her first and this would be a lovely gift

  2. Hey Lu I really love this pillow. Although I read Diary every day I never enter the contests and I don’t comment like I use to:( I wish I Sid comment more because I’ve been a reader since Amelie was born and I’ve loved watching her grow. I just have to have this pillow. Johnny and I are trying for another baby!!! Isn’t that wild I thought when I was pregnant with Libby (even though I loved being pregnant) that we were done and how it was too bad because having a boy was something we have wanted since before Sophia. I have two sweet beautiful girls instead and I wiuldbt have changed a thing or wished it turned out any different. Anyhow I digress. This pillow would be wonderful for me and the next baby. I love the Dark Red design I can’t wait to use it!! Because, I’m totally going to win!! Lol! Talk to you later Lu keep up the awesome work!!!

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