I’m sure you’ve been there. You’re busy making dinner, and you need two hands to take the heavy bottomed pot out of the oven. You had baby in a sling, but after tripping over the toddler and scalding yourself on the hot steam coming from the pot on the stove, you realise you just need to be able to cook your dinner, without a baby strapped to you, and a toddler underfoot. (You could of course put the toddler to work and back carry the baby, but that’s not the point right now!)
You just need to be able to put the baby down. But she’s way too squirmy to lay down safely on the kitchen counter. So what do you do? Well, we got a bouncy chair.
With Ameli, we had a slimline, narrow and simple bouncy chair. That was fine till she reached three months and would throw herself out of it, ending up face down with the bouncy chair strapped to her back. I wanted to avoid that this time, so went for a larger, sturdier option.
The Fisher-Price Soothe and Go Bouncy Seat is a lovely chair. It provides comfort, support and entertainment without being overwhelming or over stimulating.
It has useful features, like the fact that it ‘flattens’ (not entirely but to about a quarter of its size) at the push of a button. It has a battery operated music and vibrations box that requires no wires around the chair, and has the options of music, vibration and both.
Initially Aviya quite seemed to like the vibration, and while it was going, she would sleep really soundly. I’m not sure what’s changed, but now it wakes her up, so if she’s sleeping and I need her in a secure place – like if Ameli and I are going to be baking – then I pop her in the bouncy chair, put the music on and let her have a nap.
The music plays around 20 minutes of nursery rhymes before starting again, and as compared to many other examples of musical toys, I don’t find this offensive in any way. In fact, it blends into the background and sometimes I forget to switch it off and it just provides the background to our day anyway, with baby awake or asleep, and in it or not!
We have been shortlisted in the MADS awards as best pregnancy blog and best new baby blog. I would be so grateful if you would take 1 minute and vote or us to winin those categories.
The Soothe and Go Bouncy Seat doesn’t have a toy arch, but instead has a canopy which can be moved above the baby or behind the seat and out the way. This is really useful for outdoor use as you can position it so that baby is protected from the sun – really useful for the summer. And since the bouncy chair folds up and could go on the floor of the car behind the seat you could take it with you for a picnic or camping.
The canopy has two ‘hidden compartments’ wherein hide a fish and a bird which can hang from the canopy or hide within. Aviya is too small yet to show much interest in them, but Ameli loves rattling for her little sister, which is decidedly sweet.
All in all, it’s a lovely bouncy chair, which fulfils its purpose, isn’t over the top and doesn’t over stimulate. Its fabric design is peaceful and playful and while you shouldn’t leave your baby in it for long stretches of time, it’s definitely useful for those times when you need your hands free.
Fisher-Price have a Soothe and Go Bouncy Chair to offer one reader today. To enter the competition, leave a comment below telling me your favourite feature of this chair.
This competition finishes at 23:59 on 28 May and the winner will be randomly drawn. Winners will be announced here and on the Diary of a First Child Facebook Page. Please check these to find out who won.
Also, we have been shortlisted in the MADS awards as best pregnancy blog and best new baby blog. I would be so grateful if you would take 1 minute and vote or us to win in those categories.
Please read the competition rules.
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I like folding feature as it is easy for traveling and storage.
the folding good for easy storage or on the go x
I like the way it folds flat to help with storage.
I love the compactness of the chair and gorgeous bright colours!
I have to say I like everything about this chair. The colours,the music, the vibrations and the toys. I would have given anything to have a vibrating chair when my children were young. My niece will love this chair if I am lucky enought to be chosen to win.
I love the music and vibrations! It helped my niece sleep very well.
Fisher Price Soothe and Go Bouncy Chair’s music and vibrations features are what I love the most about it. Plus it doesn’t have wires around the chair!
Love the bright, vibrant colours and also how it folds
Wow. A chair which can be flattened for storage! Fab idea! It is impossible to believe our house used to be kinda tidy but now with a Jumperoo, play mats etc there is no space!!
I love the way it flattens so it can be stored neatly and tidily. It means it would be easy to take round to grandma’s too!
How it folds so easily! Most of them are so bulky! x
I love the fact that it folds down.
Small and easy to fold.
I love the fabric – unisex -have a baby girl at the moment -would love another and who knows. The canopy is a great idea especially at the moment 😀 and it folds so can come with us to Grandmas! Its just lovely
I love that it flattens for easy storage.
I love the fact that it can fold up so small. I live in a flat and it is always difficult to find places to put things. We had a lot of stuff with our first daughter and now we are expecting another baby we have less room. So this is what we would be looking for in a chair.
the fact that it folds for easy storage
I love the canopy feature. I haven’t seen this feature on any other bouncy chair that I have seen so far. It is a fantastic idea, so you can sit in the garden with your little one and know they are still safe from the sun! It’s great that it has little toys attached to it as well!
It has many great features but the fact it folds so compact is brilliant, it makes it so much easier to take with you when visiting friends and family.
I love that it folds flat and takes up so little space when not in use, my daughters place is tiny and already been over taken with baby things so anything that takes little space is a god-send
I love that it requires no wire near it and also it can fold to a quarter of its size
Love how it folds up so easy!!
I love the fact that it is foldable
I like that it folds flat for easy storage.
I love the fact that it is foldable
I love the fact you can have music.
I love that it folds down for easy storage
I love the fact that it is foldable – and its so cute too! xoxo
It has to be the vibration box anything that stops me having to sit there rocking it is a bonus!
I love the fact that it folds flat, with 4 children space is definatly limited in our house!!
im loving this and i think its fab that it folds so easily that makes it so ahndy to travel with and take with you when visiting friends and family : 0
The fact that it folds is my favorite as space is most definitely at a premium at home.
I like that it’s sturdy – my 12 week old is a little wriggler!
Wow what a fab baby chair, love everything about it, but in particular the vibration element, very useful and no need for manual bouncing/rocking. Most people have busy lives juggling work, childcare, cleaning etc etc so this incredible facility would add several minutes time to an extremely demanding day.
that its goes really small for storage
The fact that it folds would be a godsend to me!
I really like the fact that it folds, especially since we are seriously lacking in storage space in my house!
I definitely like that it folds. My home is very small and every bit of space is precious!
I think the music and the vibrations are a brilliant feature especially as they are wireless. Good luck in the MADS awards I have voted for your blog
I love the fact it vibrates. It makes it so much easier to get a grumpy child off to sleep with a little movement!
Because it flattens for easy storage.
I like that the chair plays around 20 minutes of nursery rhymes as it can be rather annoying when the music is short and repetitive. I’m usually more inclined to switch off if this is the case! Anyway a great little chair all round! 🙂
The canopy is a great idea. Ideal for the sunny days we’re having at the mo. Our living room gets very sunny in winter and the window is so big that there is nowhere to hide when the sun is shining. So the canopy would definitely be used a lot!
Good luck in the MADS!
The basic feature that it bounces
Like the fact that it virtually flattens for easy storage when not in use
The vibration would be a godsend
Very stylish and practical
I love the fact that you can fold it up! Great design
useful features, like the fact that it ‘flattens’ (not entirely but to about a quarter of its size) at the push of a button
My favourite feature is that it’s bouncy chair folds up and could go on the floor of the car behind the seat you could take it with you for a picnic or camping.
I just love everything about this product. I think all of the features are excellent and add up to a perfect product for baby.
My favourite feature is the vibration
My favourite feature is the vibration
TWENTY MINUTES of nursery rhymes!! That is brilliant! Definately my fave thing about this as how many baby accessories or toys do we come across that play the same (OMLY!) three tunes over and over!
Looks pretty as well!
My vote is for way it flattens for easy storage or transportation. You can take it anywhere:)))
i love the fact it has vibration, as it will save me driving around the block in the car to finally got my daughter to sleep!
I love the idea of the battery operated music and vibration 🙂
i love the fact that it folds up making it really portable
wow love how small it is!
I love how it’s portable and easy to store – anything that makes life a bit easier with a little one is a bonus
I like the way it folds flat to help with storage.
I love how portable it is xx
would love to win this for my niece who is having her first baby in september – love the fact that it folds away – this will ensure she can take it to her mum’s (my sisters) as i’m sure she’s going to be spending lots of time there getting help from Grandma lol xxx
I love the idea of the canopy – so easy to use inside and out x
I like that it can be folded down thus making it easier to store
The fact it collapses and can be stored away neatly when not in use. We have limited space so this is precious.
the fact that it folds flat – good for storage
The canopy is a great idea to take anywhere with you
The canopy is a fantastic idea, great for out in the garden on a sunny day 🙂
I love the fact that it folds so can be taken out with you, that is fantastic!
i love that it folds away so easily. babies are small but the things they need take up so much space!!
My favourite feature is that it can be folded down, when you have moses baskets, a cot, play gyms, play nest etc you start to run out of room so anything that can be collapsed and put away easily is a big bonus.
The folding feature is my favourite.
The canopy, as it means you can use it outside too! Great for the Summer and wish I’d had it last year for my son!! 🙂
I like the eyecatching toys, when my son was a baby it was just a plain chair that you could rock yourself, now they look great and the extra features are brilliant!
I love the canpoy shade, especailly in this weather
i love the vibration feature. x
the way it stores flat is brilliant specially for people with lack of storage !
I love the way this folds down flat so can fit into my cupboard and the canopy means I can take it into the
garden too.
The canopy feature is great. It means I can take it out into the garden, whilst my other kids are playing.
I love the way it flattens for easy storage or tranport. I would definitely make good use out of that feature, as I only have one small living room which is getting rather cramped!
I love that it can flatten so I can fit it under my pushchair to take it with me when I visit friends. I also love that it has a canopy which is fantastic when I am out in my garden relaxing with my friends. My baby will certainly be relaxing in style.
I like how it store flat and has an excellent support for the babbies back!
Great that it folds down, easy for storing
I love the design, and it looks so very comfortable! Also it’s great for travelling around as it folds flat.
I love that it folds, makes it so much easier to store especially when like us space is a huge issue.
I love how easy it seems to open and close x
I love the canopy so it can be used outside in the summer that is fab x
I love the canopy idea and the fact it folds down
folding this flat makes for super easy transportation and tidying! i LOVE it!!
Gorgeous,practical and versatile what more needs to be said about this wonderful chair x
It’s gorgeous,practical and versatile x
I love the design! So colourful!
The canopy is great, especially for younger babies
Its great that it folds flat, makes it easy when takeing it out and about can easily carry it round
I love the fact that you can flatten this chair, kids have enough toys and gadgets….one less thing lying around when not being in use is a blessing! 😀
I like the fact that it ‘flattens’ (not entirely but to about a quarter of its size) at the push of a button.
I like that the toys are dangling down, normally chairs have a toy bar so that’s a little different and a good feature for me.
I like that it folds flat,making for easy storage.
I love the colourful design on the fabric.
i love the fact that it folds flat and can be stored away, the house is filling up with bulky kids toys early enough lol 🙂 and i also like, that it isnt too overloaded with hanging toys, as they usually are.
the canopy, we can then take the baby outside with the other children, brilliant
I really like the combination of colours and images,subtle but still eyecatching.
The music and vibration is my favourite feature. A beautiful chair. Brilliant!
I love the fact that it folds up, however what I like most is how stable it looks to be with the added leg supports at the back, gone are the days of worrying that baby will ping across the room on a coat hanger like contraption.
I love the canopy which is useful for outdoor use as you can position it so that baby is protected from the sun
I love the fact that it folds up so small so you can hide it away
I love the idea of the canopy and if I was to choose another the pattern 🙂
what a brilliant chair! I especially like the fact that it folds up so small, perfect if you haven’t much space
I love that it folds up ,not many baby chairs do that
Love the way it flattens, never seen one with this feature before. An excellent choice
I love the canopy idea and the fact it folds down. Thanks for the review
Love how it can be folded flat, fantastic idea!
the canopy is the best feature for me
I love the fact that it flattens as it saves my toddler climbing in for a turn when the baby is sleeping. She loves lying on the playmat and it’s hard to explain to her that she is too big for the bouncy chair and she will hurt herself if it breaks.
Love how it folds so small looks nice and colourful too !
I love the fact that the chair doesnt have too many things on it to over stimulate the baby, yet it has enough to provide plenty of entertainment. Babies can become too bored if there is too much going on around them, my little boy definitely fits into this category. Therefore keeping something simple yet still beneficial to developing learning is just what a little one needs.
I love that this vibrates and folds flat , very inovative
I love the fact that it flattens as items like this normally take up so much room!xx
I really like that i folds up. We have limited space and things like these can really get in the way. Being able to fold it up is brilliant.
the way that it folds.
Since space is at a premium, I love the fact it folds but I also think the fabric design is really fun and pretty.
I love that this vibrates 🙂
I like that it folds and is portable and the canopy looks like it would be great for outdoors
I love the way if flattens, so it can be put away in the evening when not in use!
I like that it can flatten, which is great if taking it to relations or on holiday as space is usually a problem with bouncer chairs when putting them in the car. Have voted for your blog, good luck
I love that it folds down so easily which would be great for storage and for taking out in the car with us! Could even take it on family picnics out so little one can have a nice relax when she arrives lol and her sister can have a play in the park : )
i love the folding ability because its so much easier than a big bulky chair to store when your low on storage space
Great giveaway, its a lovely looking chair. I like that it folds and is portable. The canopy is also a unique feature and handy for playing outside.
Fab colours! Would be wonderful for my new baby due in August!
I like the vibration aspect – great for an unhappy little one!
I like the colours.
I love its portability, really useful to be able to fold it up and take with you to friend’s houses etc
I like the hidden compartments because they allow variety and for different sensory experiences to be introduced.
i like that it folds up so small
The best feature has to be the integrated mobile! 😀
Love the way it folds and how sturdy the stand actually looks
I love the fact that it folds away for easy storage when not in use.
The moveable canopy
I like the canopy feature meaning it can be used outside.
Obviously number one is the fact is folds up to tuck away or take away but the little musical/vibration box is an added bonus for keeping little ones entertained.
I like the way it folds up, too many seem to take up a lot of space.
The moveable canopy is a brilliant idea!
I like that the seat folds down for easy storage when not in use
Another vote for the fact it folds. Has anyone else noticed that once you get a baby your house and car shrinks drastically?
I love the fact that it folds so we can transport it easily.
My favourite feature is that it folds – means it will be easy to take away when visiting family and friends
What a beautiful looking chair. What appeals to me is that it folds flat, an absolute must for us as our house is very small and is already cluttered with toddler toys everywhere. It also makes it portable which is great, no more struggling to find somewhere or something safe to put baby when I’m out visiting or even out for a meal when I don’t want to take the cumbersome travel system.
Hard to pick just 1 favourite feature, but for me it would have to be the fact it folds up, brilliant for if you’re living in a small flat with not much space like us. Love it!
I like the fact that it folds flat. Easier for puttin in the car
The options of music, vibration and both very handle for our little girl she loves to fall asleep to music 😀
I love the canopy with the 2 toys either side, perfect for playing with and also the canopy would be great for when your in the garden as this will help keep the sun off my little one.
Love that you can fold it away so it is not big, bulky and taking up room when not in use. @xxfluffywhitexx on twitter & Kayleigh Dawn on facebook x
I love it all….the colours, the design, and the ease! However, if I had to pinpoint certain features that outweigh the others they would have to be the canopy firstly, means baby can join Mummy and Daddy on the patio in the beautiful summer weather (if it ever comes!!) Also, the way that the unit folds, meaning you can take it anywhere with you! 🙂
I like the fact that it flattens and could easily be taken somewhere or stored away.
easy on the eye and comfy for the baby
I love the design on this. I also have a lot of fisher price stuff for when baby arrives so this would be great to add to our collection 🙂
the fact that it folds so easy to carry anywhere!
the mobile
It folds for storage and looks sooo cute x
that it folds for easy storage
I just love all the features but especially the fact the chair flattens. They do take up room when not in use but now I can flatten it down and pop it behind the settee – instant tidy!
I like the canopy. It’s a sweet variation on the toy arch theme. The canopy is also fabric, not all plastic, which I like. Sometimes you can have a bit too much plastic on these things I think.
the canopy ,love it all
love that it flattens, so handy!
gorgeous colours suitable for either sexes 😀
My favorite feature is the canopy, with us living in South Carolina we have quite a few hot summer days and the extra sun protection for my little man would be lovely.
I love how sturdy it looks, really robust and the pretty design/fabric, it looks very cute, the bird and hedgehog are so cute! xx
the canopy is a great feature it would be great for being outside in the garden
I love how easy it is to fold up and take somewhere else. I’m about to be a Mom to 2 under 2, so anything to help manage both kiddos will be a sure lifesaver!
I like the fact that it flattens making it easier to transport/store
I like the fact that it folds down making it easy to tansport and store
I think the canopy is a great feature! Not many chair like this have them so it would be great for being outside in the garden or on a picnic! Thanks for the review and giveaway!
My favourite feature is the vibration, my little boy loves to be moving 🙂
Ooo this looks lovely, def the canopy to shade Isla from the sun so she can join me whilst I’m trying to get the garden finished! 🙂
I like the canopy feature, making it a useful item for playing outside with the kids.