Part three in a series on busy bags, this post brings you the first of our hand made busy bags. For more information on what busy bags are, and for some ideas on bought contents for easy busy bags, read past posts in the series.
I love this peg game. It is so simple, and Ameli loves it too. It’s also great for changeability – it starts off as one game, and can go on to others later on.
To start off with, I’ve written the name of the colour in the colour, and coloured the tip of the peg in the same colour. You can use the other side of the peg to write the colours all in one neutral colour, like black. That way you can teach colours and word recognition initially, and later on can use it for learning the letters when learning to read too. A game with longevity. Bonus.
This game as is teaches problem solving skills, colours and fine motor skills get a workout too.
You will need:
- Pegs – mini pegs (US link) are great but normal ones are fine too.
- Paper – the back of a cereal carton will suffice.
- Colouring pens – whatever you fancy
How to make it:
Cut a strip of paper in a rectangle and colour the squares in equal sizes, then use the same colour on the tip of the peg on one side and write the name of the colour on the other end.
Flip the peg around and write the name on the other side, using a neutral colour, like black.
I like to keep the pegs in the right place when the ‘game’ is put away, so that so that it is a ‘finished’ game whenever we take it down. That way I can be sure all the bits are there, and Ameli gets to refresh her memory about what goes where before starting.
Check back next week for another busy bag. To make it, you’ll need card, a hole punch and some string.