We’re still in this infernal limbo. At least we have a date now for Dddy to come and visit… we can’t wait! Now we’re just counting down the days, spending as much time wint my mum as we can between everything and getting on with life.
Day 30/365 – Different Strokes
Every so often, while I’m getting one of the girls to sleep, my dad or brother will try get the other one to sleep – and that’s always quite a nice treat for me. Sometimes techniques differ, of course 😉
Day 31/365 – Visas
Urgh. Visas. Passports. Paperwork. Medicals. Money. That’s overshadowed everything for us these last few months. Of course there’s other stuff too, but we could certainly do with outall that.
Day 33/365 – My First Painting
We’ve just gone 10.5 months and it’s the first time I’ve put a paintrush in Aviya’s hand. As you can see it’s gone well. Ha. Never mind. She’ll get it.
At least Ameli has progressed on the craft front. We did these crafty Valentines cards together.
Day 34/365 – No One Tells A Story
No one tells a story like an Oupa – grandfather in Afrikaans. Things got very quiet for a while. I went in search of Ameli and found her and my dad out on the verandah with him telling her stories. It was really sweet.
Every now and then my brother will take the girls out for a couple of hours. It’s nice. And I get really excited when I see him asking for a sling or something else that makes it look at least a little like he’s open to some of the Attachment Parenting principles.
Day 36/365 – Valentine’s Trial Run
My Basil Chocolate cake for the Festival of Food this month. It’s so yum. Don’t miss out.
Day 37/365 – Play Date
We made some new friends online a few months. Marika happens to be related to my Doula in the UK. But we figured it out thanks to Facebook! We met for a cup of coffee and left about 6 hours later! It’s awesome when you find a friend you have such an instant connection with!
Thanks for joining us for our week in pictures!
Without further ado, here are the Mamatography 2013 participants!
- Diary of a First Child
- Momma Jorje
- Earth Mamas World
- Baking Momma of Two
- Emma’s Little World
- Quacks and Waddles
- Three Counties Mum
- Seaside Chelle
- gentlemum
- The Cutie and The Beauty
- Charming Gardener
- Pineapples & Artichokes
- Jessica’s Casserole
- Dad of The Monkeys
- A Nature Mom
- Mommy and Little I
- too tired to blog
- The Family Patch
- The Princess Poet’s Life Adventures
- harley famdamily
- Mama Unfurling
- the mommy metamorphosis
- Mothers Know Best
- Quest For Life’s Passion
- Frugal Brit Witch
- Me, Mothering, and Making it All Work
Oh my goodness, that basil chocolate cake looks SOOOOOOO good. I’ll have to check out the festival of food to snag the recipe! (and you should SO totally share it my Plentiful Pantry Blog Hop which starts tomorrow and goes through the 22nd).
It seems like the girls are really enjoying being with your family!
That little lady certainly looks happy to be worn by her uncle! Am putting your chocolate cake on my To Do list for next week 🙂