On the theme of Feelings and Emotions, a fun, easy and cheap game to put together for the kids is one we’ve called Paper Plate Feelings Charades, but it can also be played as an emotions ‘Who am I’ kind of game.
What you’ll need for Feelings Charades
To put this one together you’ll need coloured marker pens, paper plates cut in half, and lollipop sticks – the staples of any craft cupboard, really!
On each of the halved paper plates, draw a nose and a mouth – the mouth should show an emotion like smiling, tears, surprise. I pretty much just drew emoticons and coloured them in.
Attach lollipop sticks to the back of the paper plates for something to hold on to.
How to Play Feelings Charades
Well, much like normal charades! Each of the girls in turns picked up a mask without looking at it. The other girl then acts out the feeling, or described how you would feel in that situation.
For example: It’s how I feel when you throw my toys away – angry
It’s how I feel when something bad happens – sad
and so on.
How to Play Feelings Who Am I?
If you’ve ever played this game, you’ll know how it works. This is like our charades game, but with more questions. One child picks up a mask and holds it to her face and asks questions, while the other answers them.
For example: Is this a good feeling? Yes. Is it an extreme feeling? Yes. Will feeling it make me laugh out loud? No. So it’s not happiness? No. Is it excited? Yes!
It’s only a couple of simple games, really, but they are an engaging way to explore the feelings, how they make us act and what we can do with them.
For more activities on feelings and emotions, click on the image below: