If there’s one thing most of us can agree on, it’s that lockdown has brought a lot of changes into our lives. For some we may have realised how much time and money we spend on things we don’t really need in our lives. For others it can be an acceptance of things we’ve long resisted, like online shopping at sites like We Are Roar. I have a fairly eclectic fashion sense when I’m not in my mum-uniform of jeans and a singlet or racerback t-shirt, so I very rarely shop in highstreets clothing stores for myself. My kids also grow so fast that honestly, I see no value in buying them new clothes unless for special occasions – my oldest is so tall, she needs a new wardrobe for every season. So I used to visit some helpful places like antiques.co.uk/antiques/categories/antique-furniture/wardrobes to find the right one for her. You may also check it out here for more options on women’s jeans and pants.
Look Local
When it comes to the children and wanting good quality second-hand clothing, I have found that buying joblots of age appropriate clothing through either eBay or Facebook marketplace are really good options. Often I find things that still have their original tags on them, or that look like they’ve never been worn. I guess other people’s children grow quickly too!
Locally we have a vintage shop that you can browse, but now, with Covid-restrictions they are putting more items on their Facebook page, and if you fancy it you can reserve and ‘click and collect’ it with contactless payments. It’s a great way to support your local businesses who really need it at the moment, and a way of finding unusual and unique items.
Online retailers you might visit on the highstreet
You may have a favourite store for specific items – for example, Marks & Spencer’s trousers seem to suit my body type a lot better than most others, so I know that if I need a replacement, I’d go online to their own shop because I already know I can probably find what I need there. The benefit of going to a high street retailer like sams club online is that you know you’re not running the same risks with your personal information, and you’re also helping to save money in your back pocket. If you don’t mind buying used items, consignment shops are also a great place to find luxury brands at a very affordable price, read more about it here.
Online only retailers
As I said though, I have quite an unusual, not really high-street fashion dress sense, so I like online shops like Dolly and Dotty or Rosegal because I’ve tried and tested them, and know their clothes arrive in good time, and are good quality. If you don’t know them there are many others you can try, so long as you check their reviews and always pay through Paypal until you know they’re a trusted retailer. You can also look at catalogues with credit if you need to go that route.
Before you buy from an online retailer, however, it’s always useful to check their own size guides for your size in their measurements. Most harem pants are unisex in design and great as couple wear, which means a more flexible wardrobe, if you want to get your hands on them, check the The Yoga Mandala Collection! I bought two corsets for my dance performances just before lockdown – they were both a 2XL and one was so big it almost slid off when I jumped up and the other so tight I couldn’t fit close it, no matter how loose the ties were. Make sure you use your correct measures and save yourself extra effort and expense of having to return items that are too small. Also make sure you actually check the return conditions. I once bought a pair of shoes from an oft-advertised website, but they arrived broken. The return fees cost more than the shoes.
Ther can be some pitfalls with online shopping, but once you find a shop you like, it can make life a lot simpler – no masks required. And for all the online shopping hacks you need to know, you may visit the Price homepage to learn more!