One of the most annoying “politics of breastfeeding” I came across when I started breastfeeding was the ‘To Cover or Not To Cover‘ question. Some breastfeeding activists are vehemently against mothers using breastfeeding covers. Their view is something along the lines that mothers shouldn’t have to hide the fact that they’re breastfeeding. Which, of course, I agree with.

The problem is, I don’t agree that using a nursing cover has to be a statement. To me, it’s more a matter of this: If using a nursing cover makes a mother happier to nurse in public, or nurse at all, I’m all for it.

I bought a nice expensive poncho style cover during the last few weeks of my pregnancy, and used it for the first few weeks, but it was difficult to see my beautiful newborn, and there was a lot of ‘exposure’ while I was trying to ‘get it right’, and that really bothered me.

I came across UdderCovers – which is really not a name I particularly like, but I absolutely adore their nursing cover. I have the ‘Porter’ cover, and although I only used it for about four months, until I was confident nursing in public without a cover, I still highly recommend it. The UdderCovers cover has a rigid neckline which allows easy eye-contact with your baby – and this alone made it indispensable to me in those early months. It is light as it is made of 100% cotton, and folds up really small so it doesn’t take up much room in your bag. Stainless steel d-rings make the neckline fully adjustable, and it is machine washable.

So, here’s the * in the FREE breastfeeding cover: The cover itself is free, but postage still needs to be paid on the item. They also post only to the US, but if you have a friend there, or US postal address, it’s a really good deal.

So, what to do?

1.  Go to
2.  Click on “Shop Now” and select any nursing cover you like.
3.  Once you have made your selection, you’ll automatically be directed to the shopping bag. Enter the promo code “ VALENTINE ” and they’ll deduct 100% of the cost of the cover.

You can also use the code more than once. Just open a new browser window each time you do. I believe the offer is valid while stocks last.

The UdderCovers breastfeeding cover is $32.00/£19.97 normally, which you don’t pay with above code, and the postage is $9.95/£6.21. If you’re having it posted on to the UK, you’ll have to add to the postage, but it’s not a lot, and definitely less than a new cover would cost locally.

Happy discreet nursing, should you so desire!

Categories: Products Reviews


Free* Breastfeeding Cover – To Cover Or Not To Cover Really Isn’t A Question

  1. I bought a nursing cover from Target, but when I wore it I felt like Darth Vador. It was too wierd for me. Plus I wasn’t afraid of people seeing me nurse so I gave up on covers. These ones look really cute though. Thanks for the post 🙂

  2. Nope, whilst I agree with your sentiments I’m actually really angry about this giveaway. Why? Well, because of HOW the free cover is being promoted (all over the media and all over the internet) – the promotional material currently out for this brand states over and over that nursing in public IS embarrasing and indiscrete, that mothers universally don’t like to feed in front of people, etc.

    Fine, sell nursing covers. Fine, promote them with a giveaway. But don’t release press statements about “must haves” for breastfeeding and how awful nursing in public is for mothers. 🙁 Scare tactics are not on, and I’m furious that this company has promoted them in this way.

    I would be reluctant to support the brand because of these media releases, regardless of my personal stance on nursing covers.

    1. @Sarah, Thanks for your comment Sarah. I must say, that’s the first I’ve heard of any promotion around this. Are you in the US? I’ve bought from them before, so am on their mailing list, so, as I say, it’s the first I’ve heard of them other than my own email.

      Can you tell me more about their promotional material?

      For the record, this ISN’T a giveaway – I’m just sharing the promocode.

      I appreciate your comment though – I wasn’t aware of this, and if you could give me details, I’ll raise it with them.

      1. @Luschka, sorry sweetie, I could have been much clearer there – I was in no way chastising you for drawing attention to an offer on a product you like. My rant was soley at the news articles put out there supporting the giveaway. I didn’t save any links but I’m trying to look them up for you. 🙂 I’m in the UK, but it caused some furore on US boards I am a member of!

        1. @Sarah, No problems! 🙂 I was confused, cause I was sure you were in the UK! I agree – I wouldn’t be happy with a product if it made a negative statment about breastfeeding – as I said, I don’t even like their name, but I do love their product. Thanks as always for commenting!

  3. What a cool deal! I’m one of those people who never used a cover (I tried covering once with a blanket & it blew off in the wind) and couldn’t figure out why people wanted to bother — but then I came around and realized that any breastfeeding is good, so I really shouldn’t have a problem with people doing what they need to to feel comfortable. For instance, I always wore multiple layers to keep my stomach or too much of my chest from showing, and I wouldn’t want someone telling me that was “wrong” and I should let it all hang out! I guess I’m more worried that non-supportive people (of NIP, I mean) will use the existence of nursing covers as reason to “force” everyone into using one, but — I don’t know — just let them try. 😉

    The good news is everyone knows now what nursing covers are, so when people spot a cover, the normality of breastfeeding in public is still being advanced!

    1. @Lauren @ Hobo Mama, Thanks for your comment Lauren! It too made me smile! As I read “I’m more worried…” I couldn’t help but think “I’d love to see them try!” so smiled widely when I saw you say the same!

      I agree – and meant to say that in the post too – everyone now more or less knows what’s going on behind the cover, so I think it almost does more for the NIP cause, since I’ve sometimes breastfed K without a cover and had people suddenly, 10 mins in notice she’s gone to sleep and go “are you breastfeeding her NOW??!” – so yeah! People rarely notice when I NIP in public, but they do when I have the cover on!

      Something I’ve wondered about is whether I’ll need to ‘rediscover’ that confidence again when I have a 2nd child. I guess you’ll have to let me know soon 🙂

  4. I am all for nursing covers or nursing freestyle. Whatever works for the mama! I made a nursing cover for myself, but since my daughter was a preemie, I had to literally hold my breast in her mouth when she nursed, and she hated being under a tent. So I tried a cover, and it didn’t work for us. Hope the people we flashed aren’t too traumatized!

    1. @Christa aka the BabbyMama, Lol! That made me laugh out loud 😀 It took us around four months to get comfortable with NIP, but when we did we stopped using the cover. For me, having it for those four months was invaluable though. I know this sounds mean, but I didn’t really care about anyone who saw anything, I just didn’t like feeling uncomfortable with me, ahem, baby belly showing!

      I assume they’d be pretty easy to make, if you’re that way way inclined, but I’m … uhm… let’s just say, not 😀

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