I’m sure you’ve been there. You’ve popped out to the shops, you have a perfectly packed nappy bag – slash hand bag – slash reusable shopping bags carrier bag slung casually over your shoulder, and baby or toddler popped in the trolley seat. You’re walking up and down the isles, and getting through the shopping when your little decides going vroom, vroom up and down the rows is no longer good enough and you now need to ‘up’.

Or you’ve taken her out for a walk with her push bike or tricycle and half way back home she decides enough is enough and now she wants to be carried.

You can fight the whole way through, of course, but for me, it’s somehow simpler to manoeuvre a child, a trolley/bike and a bag, along with the shopping, all the way home (then people wonder why I’m exhausted by bed time.)
Enter the Baby And All Bag.

The Baby and All Bag is a two-in-one changing bag with a hidden, built in baby carrier with three carrying positions suitable for tots from 7 – 15 kg in weight.

First off, I’ll give you the downside – this wouldn’t replace my permanent sling. It isn’t as comfortable for full time use, especially when the bag is full and you’re carrying a 12kg two-year old.

But that’s about it. The up sides are amazing, and this is a fantastic invention and has proven to be an absolute god-send: especially at the airport when standing in a long queue waiting to go through customs and immigration.

The design is really well thought out, giving you great flexibility for front or side carrying, but you don’t have to carry an additional sling in your bag for nipping about – which I have found to be a great bonus at times when you can simply do with having your hands free.

And the greatest part is that it changes into a sling in just four really easy click-in moves.  The best way to explain this Baby and All bag is to watch the video, really, but it is an amazing invention, and a life saver when you need a helping hand.  The strap splits to allow two shoulder use, to help spread the weight and make it more comfortable.

As a nappy bag, it’s great too and has all the parts you need.  There’s a large interior, made silver so you can see what’s in your bag, rather than just a black interior that leaves you scrabbling around inside for ages.  There are two exterior pockets for little things, and a hidden side pocket – great for passports, in my experience.  Inside you’ll also find a folded and quality change mat.

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To be in with a chance to win a Baby and All bag, tell us where you think this Baby And All bag would be useful?

The competition ends on 19 September at 23:59 and the winners will be randomly selected  using Random.org.

Baby And All Bag have a  Facebook page, you can ‘like’. If you do, please let them know I sent you! You can also follow Diary of a First Child on Facebook to keep up to date with future competitions and other news. If you follow either  on Facebook, leave a comment below so that I know you have!


And the winner is: Laura Williams!

You do not have to tweet or share this competition to enter, but doing so helps ensure that I can keep bringing you giveaways! You can subscribe to Diary of a First Child by RSS or email. You can also follow us on Facebook or on Twitter. We hope to see you back again soon!


Baby And All Nappy Bag And Sling

  1. This would let me get my baby in and out of the car independently, while still letting me use my crutches. It a really good idea.

  2. This would be perfect for the school runs. I’ve always got so much to carry but can never manage it all because I have to carry the baby while trying to get a 4 year old and a 5 year old into school. They look amazing.

  3. I walk my 2 year old to pre-school 2 mornings a week. It’s a 20 minute walk and she sometimes gets a bit tired so this would be ideal 🙂 @pipersky1

  4. Just come through a busy airport today and saw lots of mums struggling with bags and infants, many of them travelling alone with their offspring. This baby and All Bag would be the perfect solution for travelling families. Hoping I can win this for my daughter. Having this bag would make her a more confident traveller without the need for an extra pair of arms (or two).

  5. amazing as an all rounder, taking teh need away from having to think about what is needed, a one solution for all…………..fab!

  6. I think it would be really useful when going on holiday – especially at the airport! Really handy for holding everything you need.

  7. This would be really useful on soooo many occasions!! Whilst shopping, family days out a walk to the park and whilst walking the dog!

  8. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant with my first child and this bag look great. It appears to be very versatile, practical and easy to use and I will probably need all the help I can get come February!!

  9. This would be great to give to my daughter-in-law, a week today (11th) she presented me with a beautiful granddaughter. Times have been hard for us all with redunancies, health issues, but with little Phoebe’s arrival, I’m sure things will start to pick up now.
    This All in one nappy bag & sling, would be great for her to use when out & about.
    Thank you for a great competition with a fabby prize. X

  10. I have 5 children already, so this would be a godsend for getting out & about when my baby boy is due (4 weeks today :D). It would give me the freedom I need x

  11. This would be fab, especially for going to visit work with baby! I work in a shopping centre so lots of departments in different areas so would have to visit them all whilst I was there and then find time for shopping as well!

  12. Excellent idea 🙂 i am currently 24 weeks pregnant and this would be so useful whilst walking around the house doing the chores…also on my long overdue holiday after all this pregnancy swelling x

  13. This looks fantastic…would be so handy…I often find myself trying to push the pram, carry my bag and change bag and carry my baby (she doesn’t like staying in the pram for long!) so this would compact all of these into one simple bag…perfect!!!!

  14. Definately VERY useful on the bus, Im so not looking forward to having to lug the carrier or pushchair on the bus again just when I pop over to see my friends…nightmare 🙂

  15. This would be great when nipping to the shop where I wouldn’t have to wear it too long but still have access to my bag with purse and baby essentials in it.

  16. The bag would be fantastic for me, as caring for a baby and toddler I need all the free hands and storage space I can get and this fits the bill perfectly.

  17. The baby and All Bag would be fantastic when I nip on the bus to the local Post Office (That’s a contradiction in terms, as local as it gets though!) I would be “hands free”
    xx Thanks xx

  18. What a fab idea! Something that both parents, grandparents etc could use! Useful for essentials and for holding baby too. So many uses whilst out on school runs, walking, shopping visiting friends! Gives the meaning everything except the kitchen sink a whole new meaning!!! Most importantly everyone wants to keep their baby/child snug and safe!

  19. This would be very useful especially when your tot starts to walk and gets tired. Plus it gives you your hands free, as your not carrying the tot. It would be useful here there and everywhere!! Waiting in queues, at the supermarket, shopping, airports etc etc

  20. What an amazing invention, i cant believe this hasnt been done before, this would save me so much hassel as a mum of 3 under 4 there is usually a tired child somewhere along the lines, and even if i could just pop the baby in there whilst i carry the shopping back to the car then this would be a godsend, well done brilliant invention x

  21. Be fantastic for when I take my older ones to flamingo land, becaucause I it would allow me to have my baby close and safe

  22. Im a very busy mum of three children 4 and 6 yrs and a 3 month old i dont drive and have to collect my children by walking to school this would be perfect for having all my hands free 🙂

  23. This is a great way to spend travel time with your rather than carrying him with giving pressure to just a portion of the body it even out the weight for you.

  24. Very cool idea. I could see this coming in handy when I’m out with the toddler and the stroller. I’d already have a diaper bag anyway, why not have it be one that can be used as a carrier?! He always gets to a certain point where he wants to be held anyway.

  25. This is an awesome product! I have often used my diaper bag as a makeshift carrier for one of my kids to ride on. Love this! This would be super useful when going into a store for something quick. I feel like my regular carrier is overkill for those times.

  26. This would definitely be awesome for when we (my 22mo DD and I) go on walks around town, to the library or coffeeshop or wherever. I love using our Ergo, but then I have to decide if I want to bring the diaper bag or not since it’s so cumbersome to wear that in addition to the Ergo. We could stay out on longer walks since I’d be able to carry her and diapers supplies all in one carrier. Also, as a previous poster mentioned, it would be great for a 2nd kiddo. I so want this.

  27. I love the concept of this bag. i would find it useful for popping my little boy into when he gets too tired to walk on day trips to the zoo etc as he is at an age now where he doesnt want to be in the buggy much and when he gets tired i end up carrying him and it kills my arm, so this would be ideal.
    jennakeller126@yahoo.co.uk xxx

  28. This would be excellent in all sorts of situations. We are not buying a double buggy when this bambino comes along, instead we are sticking toddler on a buggy board and baby in the pram. In event of tantrums or toddler being too tired then she pops in to pram and baby in to sling. This sling would be absolutely ideal for that situation!! I would love to win it!

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