My husband, Martin, arrived in Australia this week for three weeks, and then we’ll go back to England with him. I’m so grateful that he came out, as I must admit that the burden of single parenting was getting to me. I am so tired, bone tired, and I am looking forward to some equilibrium again. I’m also looking forward to some snippets of time with my mother, without the children distracting us. While his coming to Australia isn’t a holiday anyone would want – we aren’t going snorkeling, sight seeing, diving or any of those things you’d come here for, and it’s more about just ‘life as it is’ – I’m still glad he’s here, so we can show him first hand some of the key parts of the last four months of our lives.
Also, he brought the camera my parents had bought for me for Christmas, and we’d sent to our address in England for warranty purposes, with him. Yay.
65/365 – New Camera
Of course I had to spend some time trying out all the different features. Ameli cracks up laughing at the Fish Eye pictures every time. Daddy looks like Shrek.
66/365 – Margaret River
One of my favourite parts of Western Australia is the Margaret River area. It’s wine routey and fresh producey and arty and I can just see myself running a forest school there some day in the far off future. We went straight to Margaret River from the airport yesterday, so that we could have some ‘family time’ before joining the rest of the family again. I think Martin was really too tired to enjoy it, but not too tired to enjoy the cheese at the Margaret River Cheese Company. For the record, they had the best Feta I’ve ever tasted, and that’s the only place you can buy it. Bummer.
67/365 – A Walk On The Beach
I am 33 years old, but some of the most secure moments I can look back on in my life are ones that involve my dad and his presence by my side. This picture of Martin reaching his hand out to Ameli may not have been a life altering moment for her, but one day, in time, it will be symbolic of the daddy that was always there, by her side.
68/365 – Nap Time
Sometimes you get caught out on the road with two napping girls. Those times look a lot like this.
69/365 – First Easter Egg
I think this is Ameli’s first big Easter Egg. She pretty much devoured it too at a rather alarming pace. She was really focused on the job at hand though, as you can tell.
70/365 – Cruising With Daddy
Another princess, loving being on the boat again and quite content with Daddy.
This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project with Diary of a First Child and Momma Jorje.
We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!