For the last two years, I have had the worst luck with my garden. What pregnancy didn’t take out of me, sickness and a newborn did, and then, to top it off it rained so much last year that even my mint died. Do you have any idea how hard it is to kill mint? Well, it drowned. And got moldy.
Of course, this year, what with being in Australia and all, I came a bit late to the planting season, so I had to get a bit of help from the garden centre, but overall, it’s gone okay. This is the ‘before’ photo of the garden. To be honest it’s not all done yet, so there’s no after photo just yet, and the before photo was taken after mowing the lawn and hacking away the foliage for which we recommend to check the husqvarna riding lawn mowers reviews. You can also visit sites like to know more about lawn care.
As well as planting an envelope of tomatoes from seed – thank you very much Heinz for sending us a gorgeous wheelbarrow and gardening equipment for Ameli, as well as a bag of seeds – we also planted some sun flowers as I figure they’ll grow quickly and maintain the girls’ interest. Interestingly, both of them really enjoyed digging about in the ground.
And including their little friends in the process.
As I said, since we’re quite late in the season already, we got some help from the local garden centre and bought a few ready to plant out courgettes, marrows, shallots, kale and a few different herbs.
Well… I’ll let you know how it goes. It’s been fun, but I really do hope we get to eat from our garden this year!
P.S. If we happen to get tomatoes off this plant, Heinz have promised us a hamper of goodies, so here’s hoping we get a double bonus for our efforts! I think Heinz are still giving out grow your own tomato kits, so head over to their Facebook page for some to grow yourself.
Don’t feel bad it takes talent to kill Mint. I manage to kill mine every year and it always comes back in the spring.
I love that about mint! It’s so resilient and just comes back again and again. Hmmm… life lessons from mint? Could make a fun post 😉
come to ours, i have some plug plants to start you off 😀
I’ll do that this week! I need some new aubergines, if you have? Slugs got them all! 🙁