I am struggling to deal with the fact that the summer is over, and not only over, but it’s already getting really cold! I know a few people who’ve already turned the heating on, and it may be time to pack my sandals and flipflops away and bring out the winter boots!

There’s something to be said for being pregnant over winter – your body is automatically warmer, what with the little person growing inside you and all, and you have an extra heart beat and more blood flowing in your veins, so you don’t always feel the cold quite as much. My last pregnant winter I actually thought was pretty mild – I didn’t even have a coat that year. I did buy some cheapy winter boots, because my feet swelled up quite a bit – but they didn’t last past the season.
Last year I was in Australia for all of the UK winter, so again, boots weren’t required, which brings me to Autumn/Winter 2013 and I have no closed toe shoes! It seems a shopping trip may be in order, and soon.
I could buy some cheap boots again, and hope they last the six or so months, or I could dig a little deeper into my pockets and see about buying decent boots. Now, for me, shoe shopping falls in the same category as dental surgery: You do it cause you have to, not because you want to! I know I’m not alone, but it is unusual for women, I’m told!
So, intrepid shoe-loving, boot-wearing sisters of the world: what do I do for good shoes? I love Vivobarefoot shoes and Fitflop shoes and even some of the Crocs shoes. Have you worn their boots though? Are they any good? Or is there something else on the market that I should consider? Let me know! I could use all the help I can get!