Day 254 – Winter Cometh

The weather has very quickly turned Autumnal, and after yesterday’s swimming in Eastrop Park in the near-rain, the girls needed an at home day cuddled under blankets. How many days till summer?

Day 255 – Stickygram

I’ve just discovered Stickygram. It’s awesome! Instagram images turned into magnets. They’re gorgeous!

Day 256 – Roald Dahl Day

It’s Roald Dahl Day on the 13th of September, so we made BFG ears, watched the movie and started reading the book. In fact we did loads of Roald Dahl Day activities.

Day 257 – Sisters

These are the moments that fill my heart with so much love and joy. For these moments, I could keep having children over and over and over again.

Day 258 – Blessingway

A beautiful friend had an early Blessingway since they are moving house when she’s 30-something weeks pregnant. Here we are with our red thread, getting her belly painted.

259 – Play Space

It’s crazy, we’ve lived where we do for over two years, and just recently I found this corner, hidden away. A perfect playspace for running around. Love it.

Day 260 – Blackberries

Picking blackberries is just such a lovely way to spend a day. I picked so many with the girls and our friends, I came home and made blackberry pies, raw blackberry crumble, and the best blackberry jam I’ve ever tasted, if I may say so myself. They were fabulous.

mtbadge2This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project with Diary of a First Child and Momma Jorje.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!


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