Growing up my dad always had a patch of veggie garden. From pawpaws to sweetcorn, I can remember veggies in most of the houses we lived in, and even as an adult now, when my dad moves into a new house, you can bet we’ll be eating from the garden within three months.

Unfortunately this isn’t a green thumb that I inherited, and since I live on the other side of the world and a lot of vegetables are very different here (gemsquash, anyone?), gardening has been a slow, step-by-step, seasonal processes for me. Last year I had four different apps running – from planting by the moon to pick this vegetable that many days after sowing (we had the smallest carrots a carrot cake has ever seen using that method). I was sent this infographic, and thought it might help those of you still hoping to get something growing this year, or something to save for next year.

Professional horticulturists and farmers are discovering the advantages of bringing their beds into the computer age. It’s easy when advanced phones like those from Apple and Sony are available from T-Mobile to put powerful applications at your fingertips, even in the great outdoors. Gardening, in other words, has been “appified.”

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It’s pretty amazing, looking at the business side of all that, how something as simple as gardening can be affected by technology, but as a novice, I appreciate all the help I can get!

Categories: Misc


Apps For The Everyday Gardener {Infographic}

  1. Hi there! Me and my family have moved to our new house two weeks ago and we have a big garden! I am very excited and I am already checking which vegetables we can grow in August. I am pretty positive about cucumbers and leek. Thanks for sharing information about these apps! I will definitely check them! We аре gardeners now! 🙂

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