It’s coming up for Pumpkin Time, so it’s time to decorate our learning space with something a little different for the new season. Our current house really doesn’t have the space for things like nature shelves and loads of sensory play – like last year’s autumn sensory box or the indoor fairy garden. What we do have though is a lot of wall space in our high ceilinged Victorian house, so wall decorations are always a good thing.
For this activity you will need:
- orange cardboard
- yellow cardboard
- string
- glue
- market pens
- a printer (optional)
You can either use our templates, or if you’re artistically inclined, you can draw your own pumpkins and faces, otherwise just print them off.
I’ve compiled these templates based on drawings from npics, lakeshore living and bkay.
If you print these pumpkins on A4 you’ll get 6 pumpkins – two of three styles – per page, so print as many as you’d like to use.
Once printed, cut them out.
I also printed faces from – printed as is they make half an A4 page, and they are the perfect size for the pumpkins. I printed three pages of pumpkins and two pages of the faces, but knowing full well the girls wouldn’t glue the faces on 18 pumpkins and I’d be left doing it after three or four each, I used a marker pen to draw some of the faces on quickly.
Once all the pumpkins have their features added, turn them round and space them out equally, then drop/squeeze glue over the backs, where you want the string to appear.
This is a lovely Lidl string that they do once a year and I can’t seem to find anywhere else. If you know where we can pick up extras, let me know!
Make a loop on both ends so that you can hang it around pins, with tac or whatever else you use on your walls.
Be as creative as you like, and have fun with it!
Print these:
Make A #Pumpkin Garland #Halloween #craft
Make A #Pumpkin Garland #Halloween #craft
Make A Pumpkin Garland @Luschkavo
Make A Pumpkin Garland @Luschkavo
Make A Pumpkin Garland #creativedevelopment #crafts #halloween #pumpkins