Over the last few weeks we’ve been working on The Incredible Journey – by working on, I mean ‘reading’! We’ve also done a few other activities – a board game and an animal categorising ‘game’. I’ve also made some of our usual printable activities to share with you.
I remember reading The Incredible Journey as a child, and finding it disappointing compared to the movie, and reading it now as an adult I can see why – it’s not as Americanised as the movie – the characters have names you have to think about and they don’t talk as their movie-counterparts do. It’s not a long book, but it’s not always easy reading either. It’s a beautiful story of love, courage, friendship and perseverance and purpose though, and well worth reading together.
Below you will find letter writing practice sheet, a crossword that asks questions about the story (you won’t be able to answer this from watching the movie) and an easy and a difficult maze and finally, a word search. This is a harder word search, because some of the words go backwards.
To download a worksheet, just click on the image. It’ll open a PDF in a new window for you to print.
The Incredible Journey Writing Practice
Children can trace the letters to help them learn the sizing of letters compared to each other, or simply just to practice.
The Incredible Journey Crossword Puzzle
An 11 clue crossword puzzle – the answers are at the bottom of the page. I thought rather than use a second page, just pop them on the bottom and fold the footer area over so little eyes can’t see the answers.
The Incredible Journey Mazes
There are two mazes here to choose from – a simple one here and a tougher one. Pictured is the harder one.
The Incredible Journey Word Search
This word search is a little harder than the ones I normally do, I think, because the words run back to front and from the bottom up. I don’t normally like doing them this was as I think it’s confusing for younger participants, but it’s how it worked out this time.
If you’ve enjoyed these activities, remember to check the rest of the tag for The Incredible Journey resources
The Incredible Journey Free Printable Resources https://t.co/SHvyfEAV1c #67 #byage #cognitiveskills
The Incredible Journey Free Printable Resources https://t.co/SHvyfEAV1c #67 #byage #cognitiveskills