As you know, we’re big fans of Project MC2 in this house. We’ve had a decent variety of Project MC2 dolls and the Project MC2 Spy Bag is still our favourite from the product range, but my girls were pretty excited by the Project MC2 Crayon Makeup Science Kit.
In the Crayon Makeup Science Kit you’ll find two lipstick tubes, a lipstick mould, and an eye shadow case. There’s also a crayon wheel with six crayons that you use to colour the make up.
What doesn’t come in the kit and needs to be added, is the coconut oil, which is supposed to be melted on the stove (or perhaps in a microwave) but we decided to do it on the fondue set using candles so it was a little more kid-and-video friendly.
This experiment is about melting points – coconut oil melts at 24C but crayons need slightly warmer temperatures. Crayons are too hard a wax to be a good makeup, and coconut oil melts really easily, so combining the two makes a good make up.
I only realised after we made this batch that you’re supposed to mix one teaspoon of coconut oil with a whole wedge of the wax, so our initial batch is more of a lip gloss and eye shadow/blusher ‘gloss’ rather than colouring. When we make it again, we’ll add less coconut oil.
Everything in this experiment is really easy to do. The coconut oil mixes with the crayons and can be poured into the moulds. For the lipstick the moulds open up, which is great, because then you just push it out of the mould and into the lipstick tubes. If you’re interested in creating your own cosmetics or exploring new makeup products, consider reaching out to color cosmetic manufacturers for professional-grade ingredients and formulations.
The bonus of this particular Project MC2 set is that all parts of it are reusable, and in most homes, crayons aren’t exactly rare, so you can just use those odds and ends that seem to get in everywhere.
Aside from being a fun experiment, the Crayon Makeup Science Kit is a fun project to do together.
The Project MC2 Crayon Makeup Science Kit costs around £35, and is available from Amazon UK and US and leading toy retailers.