I’ve finally managed to get the last of the Christmas wrapping out with the recycle bins last week, so you know what that means? Time to think about Valentines Day! Yay!  Well, actually, I’ve not celebrated Valentine’s day in a long while, but while the shops are filling up with red hearts and bad chocolate, what better time to treat yourself (myself!) to something that no one else is likely to give me?


1. A cozy sweater

I love sweaters. They are always bigger than mine, comfier than mine and fab to snuggle up in. So, head over to a decent outfitter, try Terraces, and buy the woolliest, comfiest women Ashton Sweater you can find. It’s as good for snuggling up on the sofa as it is for hiding out in the park.

2. A Whimsical Bobble Head for Playful Decor

Adding a touch of playfulness to your safe space can bring a smile to your face and create a cheerful atmosphere. One unique way to achieve this is by getting custom bobbleheads from your photo to adorn your room. You can explore online stores, which offer a wide range of options for creating custom bobbleheads that perfectly capture your playfulness, likeness and personality. What’s even more exciting is that they allow you to go beyond just facial customization and offer the option of full body customization, giving you the opportunity to create a truly personalized and unique bobblehead that reflects your individual style.

3. Something for my safe space

My room is my safe space. It’s where I go when the world seems too much. It’s where I go when I want some time out. It’s where I go when I want to relax. It’s where I go to refresh and restore. But it’s very functional – I’d love to make it pretty! I’d love it to be a haven of beauty. And lighting is one simple way to  make things beautiful – just have a look at the options on Dandelion Interiors. They are gorgeous and good lights can transform a room.

4. Let me choose what I want

One of the main things I spend money on myself on is Kindle books. My bank account is littered with 99p to £2.99 purchases, the occasional one more than that, and I keep thinking I should buy myself an Amazon gift card at the beginning of the month, add it to my account and then buy freely till the voucher runs out. Not only is that a good way of limiting my spend, but I don’t have to obsess over each purchase!

5. A day of pampering

What’s better than a day of pampering? Find an offer ‘for two’ and you can take yourself and a friend – most people would be happy to go halves with you if you’re not buying gifts! – and spend a day at a med spa not only being pampered and getting a HydraFacial like this HydraFacial in Chesterfield, MO, sipping sparkling or red wine, and eating tiny sandwiches, but also pool side having grown up conversations, with no one begging for ice creams (choose your friend wisely!). Sounds like heaven to me.

6. Use those babysitting offers

I’ve had a few people say they’d be happy to sit in my lounge while my kids sleep if I need a night out, but I’ve never taken anyone up on the offer. I feel awkward asking someone to give up their evening so I can go out and have fun. A great gift for myself would be taking one of those friends up on their offer, and actually having a night out!

7. Dinner

My kids have a fairly wide pallet. I can, eventually, get them to eat almost anything, but usually, I first have to go through an orchestra of “ewww”, “what is it”, “it’s too brown/green/yellow”. One of my favourite things is having another adult around for dinner, because mostly, I’m actually a good cook, and they appreciate my food. And, of course, if someone invites me over for dinner so I don’t have to cook, but they also get that I need to have the kids in bed by 8pm, it’s extra special!

8. Go extravagant…

Yeah, okay, this is not the cheap option, but I’d love a fancy shmancy car for a while – you know, just long enough that I don’t have to worry about MOT’s and services. A lease, Yes Lease, would put a smile on my face for at least 18 months and before I have to worry about the down-side of my fancy wheels, I can give it back. Sounds like an all-round win to me!

Categories: On Mama's Mind

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