We love parties here and plan for them months in advance. Aviya’s 6th birthday party was a Shoppies and Shopkins Party. We decided on a pamper party as that was something we could do indoors no matter the weather and because the party was in the mid-afternoon, we just needed snacks to nibble on.

Shopkins Party Food

I didn’t really have a lot of time for food, if I’m honest, so a lot of what I presented was bought food, Shoppified with images from the internet. A lot of our guests were vegetarian or vegan so I labelled the items that were vegan with a (V) so the kids knew without having to ask for each item too. For those that are not, I actually know a very nice seafood restaurant that I really like that will prepare a whole lot of yummy finger good that I can serve as snacks or entrees. That frees me to take care of the rest of the preparations for this party. Next time I’m thinking of just booking a banquet room and let the restaurant prepare and serve the food for the guests. We love Mexican food so I might inquire about catering services from a local mexican restaurant.

We had:

  • Pretz-Elle 
    Pretzels flavours in sour cream and chive and the other was original sea salted, which are vegetarian were presented in glass jars with googly eyes.
  • Crispy Chip
    Whichever crisps/chips take your fancy
  • Fruitsticks
    The label for these was just ‘fruisticks’ because life is too short!Shoppies Party
  • Coco Cupcake 
    These vegan chocolate cupcakes with pre-cut cake toppers
  • Rhubarb Lemonade
    We made with this rhubarb lemonade recipe last summer and froze it, so we used it with lemonade for the party
  • Vanilla cake
    We had a plain vanilla sponge cake which we decorated with plain vanilla icing and rice paper flowers (Amazon.com link) (Amazon.co.uk link) – and topped with four brand new Shopkins Dolls which were my present to her.
  • Polly Po1a lish sweets
    These were really fun to make – it’s quite simple too. Draw shopkins faces on marshmallows, then using buttercream icing, glue the licorice rockies to the marshmallows.

Shopkins & Shoppies Party Food Ideas

Prep for this party was really easy, and having bought things over the course of a few weeks it wasn’t terribly expensive either.

The cupcakes – that recipe specifically – is good made a day or two in advance, the ‘polish’ was made the weekend before the party and kept in a sealed container, the cake was made the day before and the fruit was cut the morning of – that’s pretty low key and the kids loved every single thing!

You can download and print the cards we used – cut them out, fold in half and off you go. There are a few spares too, so you can either print pics from the internet or find stickers that relate to your food and add them. 


Need Shoppies/Shopkins party decor and activity ideas? Head on over to Part 2 (coming soon)!

Categories: Misc

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Shoppies And Shopkins Party Food Ideas

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