I turn 40 this year. That’s 4-0. I can’t believe it, largely because I still think of myself as 18 years old, and sprightly. It’s kind of surprising, every time I look in the mirror. A ‘whoah’ moment and not always in a good way.

It led me to think about the other signs of aging, and it’s a reminder that we should be proactive about our skincare. One effective solution I’ve come across is Hifu Singapore, which offers non-invasive treatments that can help rejuvenate your skin and combat those sneaky signs of aging.

Take it as my warning to you, because aging can sneak up on you if you’re not careful! Individuals who want to combat signs of skin aging may consider getting Injectables in Baton Rouge, LA which may help reduce wrinkles. You can go to experts like Cyrus Advanced Institute and ask about anti-aging treatments.

getting older

1) The Music Of My Bones

Well, it’s more haunted house than music. My knees make a grating sound when I get up. Normally accompanied by a groan. I’m pretty sure I didn’t do that at 18, so this has to be a sign of aging. Add to that the clicking in my joints when I’ve been sitting for too long, and the trill of a spinal cord clicking back into place too! I’m pretty much a one-woman percussion band! This may be a sign that I need to consult with an orthopedics specialist who is an expert in orthopedic care services before it becomes more painful. Additionally, considering a consultation with Larry Parker M.D. for specialized spinal care could help address these issues and improve overall joint and spinal health.

Easier to learn than tennis, pickleball is a paddleball sport popular with people over 60.  Napa Pickleball does pickleball lessons NapaTo start playing either pickleball or tennis, you might want read this tennis racket reviews.

2) Adaptive Household Items

So, knowing that you pretty much need adventure sport insurance to safely get in and out of the bath, you find yourself sitting home on a Saturday night googling things like walk-in bath options to minimalise the risk of breaking a hip trying to get into the bath for that modern-home luxury called an over-bath shower (this is probably also a sign that your dreams haven’t come true, because I used to live in a house with a shower cubicle big enough to fit the four members of a momentarily famous rock band all at once [true story – they all clambered into the shower to see how many of us could fit in, fully dressed of course!] and now I only live in houses with over-bath showers. Time to work on those adulting goals!)

3) It’s Saturday Night, And I’m Feeling…

Ready for bed, mostly. Those rock band days are far behind me now, and I as much enjoy a quiet Saturday at the cinema as a night out, however, the cinema doesn’t wipe me out for two days! And that’s another thing – your best stories start with… “Once…”. You know, like ‘Once Upon A Time…’ except they’re memories rather than fairy tales. Although the way we danced back then does seem like a bit of a fairy tale to these creeky knees, so there’s that.

4) You Hear Your Mother’s Voice…

Then realise it’s you speaking!

All those mum-like sayings you were never going to say to your kids… yep. You’re saying them now. And every time you hear yourself saying them you wonder what the hell happened, where the years have gone, whatever happened to the guys in the rock band, and who that woman is looking back at you in the mirror?

5) You Actually Feel Grateful To Be Getting Older

And then, as you think over all those things, you realise that you’re actually grateful to be getting older, because it means you’re still here. It means you’re still alive, and that there’s still hope for the big shower, for children who will end up sounding like you and the older you get – my bestie reckons 60 is the age – you actually don’t care what anyone says anymore, and maybe next time the opportunity arises you’ll dance the night away, to hell with the sore knees tomorrow.


Categories: Misc On Mama's Mind

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