Over the next few weeks – or probably half a year – I want to introduce you to some of my favourite bloggers.  These aren’t all people I agree with 100%, we don’t all parent the same way, we don’t all give birth the same way. Some are way more crunchy* than I am, some way less. But they’re all women (and here and there a man) who inspire, encourage and keep me going. 

(*Crunchy: The characteristic of a neo hippy. Used to describe persons who have adjusted or altered their lifestyle for environmental reasons. )

Today’s pickings are two Mamas from the US. These two women have been my greatest inspirations in Natural Parenting. They’ve inspired me, taught me and been guides. They’ve been my mentors and my role models and supported me when I’ve needed shoulders to lean on and if I had to attribute my parenting style to anyone, it would be Lauren from Hobo Mama and Dionna from Code Name: Mama.

Both of them have had babies in the last few months (last week for Dionna) – the second each – and I’m watching their websites closely at the moment for all the information I can glean on anything from how to cope with a second pregnancy, body image in pregnancy, breastfeeding during pregnancy or weaning because of pregnancy, preparing an older sibling for a new baby, having an older child at a home birth, and tandem breastfeeding.

The amazing thing about Lauren and Dionna is that they are real people.  They have struggles with their toddlers. They aren’t perfect parents. They are mothers in a very real life (Lauren and her hubby both work from home, just like my husband and I do), with all the foibles that come with it.

If you want to be motivated, encouraged and to learn and grow day to day, follow Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama, wherever they make take you.

Categories: Friday Features Misc


Friday Features: Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama

  1. Thank you for writing this, L! I 100% agree with you. I owe so much inspiration for my willingness to go out on my own as a solo blogger to their positive examples. And I never would have been able to create the Mindful Mama Carnival without their excellent examples and kind sharing.

    They’re truly inspiring and powerful women, writers, and parents!

  2. Oh, wow! I am so, so honored. (I really want to spell it honoured for you but don’t want to look like a poseur…) Thank you so much for sharing the way you parent with all of us — I learn so much from you! Thank you tons for featuring me.

  3. Oh mama, why do you write things like this in the middle of my post-partum hormones?! I’m sitting over here sobbing 🙂 I love you too, you’re also an inspiration to me! I’m so thankful that you are a vital part of our community. Thank you so much for your sweet words.

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