Boobie Time is, as the name suggests, a blog about breastfeeding and babies, and a bit more on the side. Written by Lani, mother to B, it is a blog which, unsurprisingly focuses on breastfeeding, children and birth – all things that are pretty relevant to me and my life right now!
Lani is a wonderful advocate for natural parenting, but she isn’t high and mighty and she doesn’t preach down at you from some idealistic perch none of us can live up to. Lani will advocate for and share information on peaceful and gentle births, but she herself had an elective caesarean, albeit after labour had started. She is a breastfeeding advocate whose child self-weaned at 19 and a bit months. She was a stay at home mother for 18 months, then returned to work. In otherwords, she’s adapted and adopted natural, attachment parenting into their family lives and rather than letting it be a burden of guilt for her, she’s found ways of letting natural mean natural-to-us.
In fact, in a carnival post last month, Lani wrote a statement that I thought was worth remembering:
Parent with love and respect and you will always parent naturally
How incredibly true is that? I love it.
Lani was also the driving force behind the campaign to get breastfeeding back on Sesame Street at the start of the year and has a lovely post with clips of breastfeeding mammals and so on. It’s really sweet to watch.
Boobie Time blog is really friendly and a lovely place for a visit. Lani is a real woman, a down to earth mother, and an NPN volunteer that I class among my circle of friends, and do so proudly. Drop by and visit her, sign her petition, follow on Facebook and make a friend too.
Lani took over the Meetup group I started almost two years ago and we became friends there first. She has such a big heart! This was a great tribute to her.
Omg I am so touched! You are amazing. Thank you so much for featuring me. You make me sound a lot better then I am! Luv ya. Thank you!