Pregnancy Week 19 – Falling In Love With You
Dear Squidgy Well, we’ve made it to and through 19 weeks, and it’s been one heck of a busy week. Let’s see – on Thursday, which is your ‘official’ 19…Continue Reading →
Dear Squidgy Well, we’ve made it to and through 19 weeks, and it’s been one heck of a busy week. Let’s see – on Thursday, which is your ‘official’ 19…Continue Reading →
Dear Squidgy, I honestly can’t believe how incredibly quickly time is going, and I can’t believe that I’m sixteen weeks…
I’ve decided I’m tired of confusing myself by having two dates to check progress against and that I’m actually at…
Hey Squidgy, We’re at week 9 now, but actually week 11, but until I have a scan and can check your size, it’s a bit of a guess both ways,…Continue Reading →