Birth story in pictures

  1. Really considering a water birth for baby #2. Had my first at home and it was great but I tore bad and heard water can take some of the pressure off and make it more gentle to prevent future tearing.

    1. @Talina, Talina, I was sure I had responded to you, but can’t find my response now! Yes! water definitely helps relieve the pressure and drastically reduces the chances of tearing too. I would strongly recommend joining the yahoo homebirth group (unassisted childbirth) even if you’re planning a hospital waterbirth, as the women there have immense and incredibly experience with which they can honestly strengthen and prepare you.

      All the best!

  2. That was such a beautiful video, you had me in tears. Wonderful.
    .-= Heather @notesfromlapland´s last blog ..Things I’d forgotten about England. =-.

  3. Beautiful, just beautiful!
    .-= Jane @OnlineMum´s last blog ..Kids TV wasn’t like this when I was young! =-.

  4. I’ve always thought that a water birth makes sense. If I’m ever fortunate enough to have a child.

    Visiting from SITS. Hope you had a wonderful holiday with your new little one!

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