Since I’ve only been a mom for 3 months (almost), I don’t have a list that’ll knock anyone’s socks off with humour and witty sayings, but the moments I treasure are spread from a few days after my baby’s conception to now. Here’s a list of my top ten mothering moments of 2009:

10. There was a dress I wore as a baby, my sister wore and one of her dolls wore for the ensuing 20-something years. I smiled when Ameli wore it, and I will pack it away for her daughter to wear, I guess. First-time-in-a-dress

9. When I went through her wardrobe and removed all the newborn items, and shed a tear.

8. The way her eyes light up whenever we sing and do the actions with the really silly song ‘wind the bobbin up‘.

7. 4am feeds. I love the way she stares in to my eyes. Totally special moments.feeding

7.5 (since it’s sort of related) The way anyone can hold her, and if I’m in the room, she’ll watch me. Like she’s checking to see if it’s okay, if I think she’s okay. Just to make sure I’m still there. Same if you put her down somewhere.

6. Looking at that stick and seeing the second line appear. Looking at the second stick, then the third and being really sure, and bursting in to tears.

5. Those moments where I realise how she’s developed, grown. Like the first time she reached for a toy. Or the first time she grasped something in her hand, and it wasn’t a reflex.

4. The scans at 3 weeks, 5 weeks, 12 weeks and 22 weeks – I cried at each.
3. The first smile
2. Reaching in to the water to raise my little girl to my chest.
1. We locked eyes, and it was the clearest, most beautiful moment of not only my year, but my life.

What are your favourite mommy moments of this year?

It would be lovely to have a long list of good things about being a mom, so why not leave a comment below?f


Top 10 Mommy Moments of 2009

  1. Hearing Lauren say, “Momma, can I move home now”? Yeah, that was the most special moment of “Mommie Hood” for me this year. Of course watching my Grandson be born was pretty amazing – but that’s my best “Gabba Gabba” moment of the year! LOL

    Thanks for sharing your special moments with me My Lovely!

    Love Ya!

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