365-20 The Day I Found My Feet

  1. What a sweet photo! You’ve captured one of the most exciting “firsts” so beautifully!
    I apologize for taking way too long to stop by your blog. We’ve been crazy-busy and super sick here in the house. Have a wonderful week!

    Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud

  2. What a sweet picture! I have been doing a 365 photo shoot as well! It’s been very fun and even challanging at times!!

    Visiting you from SITS πŸ™‚

  3. SO SWEET! When my daughter found her feet, I just happened to be taking pictures. Until that point, it had never occurred to me that it was a milestone. Now, it’s one of my favorite memories of her at that age =) I wish they could stay in the feet-obsessed stage forever lol!

  4. oh, tiny baby hands and tiny baby feet – love ’em!!

    ..and your comment on my post just about made me cry. I couldn’t imagine having to go without lunches. I hope things weren’t tough like that for long.

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