Little boys are made of… frogs and snails and puppy dog tails is a blog by Stacey with a four month old son. She has been posting quotes from a book called 365 activities you and your baby will love, and there are some pretty great ideas.

“Playing familiar music will stimulate your baby’s mind and help him feel like his new world is safe and interesting.”

“Tickling your newborn with a clean feather duster helps him feel where his body begins and ends. Keep “dusting” your baby, and by about three months of age, he’s likely to giggle every time you pull out that “toy.”

“When your baby is fussy, sleepy, or just needing a little physical contact, pat him gently on his back. This action helps him dispel gas, distracts him from too much stimulation in his environment, and simply reassures him that you’re there.”

“An oft-cited study of mother-infant pairs found that six week old babies who were “worn” for at least 3 hours a day cried only half as much as those babies who were not. Carrying your infant also helps him develop muscles required to sit, stand, and walk, because he is in a semi-upright or upright position, which naturally strengthens his neck and back muscles.”

There are 14 more so far – and I’m guessing more to come. Have a look. Sometimes a reminder is nice, and sometimes it’s a great new idea.

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