I’m sure you’ve been there: the sink is piled high with dishes, the floor looks like it belongs on the inside of a mud hut, and the laundry in the machine is practically growing mould. You’d do something about it, but the fact of the matter is you don’t have time, there’s other stuff to do and you’re both wrecked with guilt about the state of your home and stressed about the constant battle to stay on top of things.
The Modern Aboriginal Mama wrote a fab article a while ago that I keep going back to for motivation: Beat The Stress And Clean The Mess In 5 Easy Steps
The word easy is, well, slightly misleading, because there’s a lot of thinking and observing to do, which, at least in my world, can really only happen when Ameli’s sleeping! That aside, the suggestions are good ones, and if you can take them on board, it should make a difference to your life!
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Hi Luschka!
What a lovely surprise to see my post on your Friday Favorites! I didn’t realize it would be so popular when I wrote it, but I’m so glad it helps. =)
@Delena Silverfox, Thank you lovely! It definitely does 🙂