I wanted to share two different bloggers with you this week. If you don’t know them, you won’t know of them either, as they don’t seem to belong to any networks – but if you don’t drop by, you’re missing out.
Garden Mama is one of the very first bloggers I ever read. I don’t remember how I found her blog, but I know exactly why I stayed, and why I keep visiting – it’s a place of tranquillity. Reality, and tranquillity and beauty.
You can’t see through the screen to what someone’s life looks like in reality, but I know that I would love the life that she portrays through her pages.Garden Mama’s life seems to be the pursuit of beauty. I mean, who wouldn’t want to sit down to a meal with this tablewear? She was also the first person I ever found to have created ice mandalas – we have some outside under the snow right now – as well as a series on creating beauty in your home, naturally.
Garden Mama homeschools her children, and while homeschooling is still a deep dark mystery to me – the how, and the where to start – what they are exposed to, or at least the part that’s shared with us, is beautiful and I think they are extremely blessed children.
I love visiting this blog. I always walk away feeling inspired. I hope you do too.
MamaUK is a new-ish blog to me, and is, unusually, a UK blogger (I don’t seem to follow many UK natural parenting blogs, for some reason!) There are many similarities between MamaUK and Garden Mama – not least of which is the fact that both use Typepad, so their blogs look really similar!
MamaUK is Waldorf-inspired and while they do not homeschool formally, their lifestyles seem to incorporate learning through play in absolutely awesome ways.
This blog is also a perfect example of how to photograph your children going about life without ever actually showing their faces. It took me a while to realise that I had no idea what her kids look like. I think that’s pretty awesome – I might need to take tips as my children get older!
She writes amazing posts on play, and creative play and her photography is simply sensational – have a look at the looking back on 2011 post. Sensational.
For some really inspirational reading, click on the Simplify series, particularly the post on deciding to bring Lego into a plastic free home.
I am so inspired and awed by these mothers. I am so moved by them as carers, and enthralled by them as bloggers.
I hope you enjoy them too.