I absolutely loved doing baby massage with Ameli as a newborn. I felt that it benefitted her, it gave us something special to do together, rather than me just staring at her in awe, and it gave me a lot of confidence in handling her: Â I became a lot less frightened of her fragility and less scared of breaking her.
With the arrival of Squidgy, early next year, I’ve been looking at different massage oils and trialling them on a barely obliging 23-month old (in a week she’ll be two, so bear with me as I relish still counting her age in months for a few days!)
Recently, we’ve been using Organic Monkey’s Hello Mellow Organic Massage Oil for the bed time massage routine, of course we want to get massages we always look for professional services from 경기출장안마 online. Overall, I love it. But I’ll break that down into an actual review for you:
I cannot find fault with this product. It contains all natural ingredients, with sunflower oil being the carrier oil, it seems. There’s apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil and vitamin E oil too, and then the essential oils are sweet orange, lavender and roman chamomile, all of which are calming and soothing aromas.
While I’m a huge lover of lavender, I must say that I adore the predominantly sweet orange aroma of this. It’s a nice break from the usual lavender for babies.
Whether it’s because our skin is so dry and just laps it up or whether it’s a trait of the oil I’m not sure, but it absorbs extremely quickly and we do use quite a bit in each session, but then Ameli is also the size of about four newborns, so with a small baby it would last a lot longer too. We’ve not found any residue or oil stains on clothing or bedding after use.The next thing I love about it is how moisturising it is. I’ve even used it on myself as an after bath moisturiser a number of times and it leaves my skin feeling soft, smooth and beautifully moist. Ameli has quite a dry skin too especially as we head into winter and there’s been a marked improvement in her skin since we’ve been using this oil.
It isn’t cheap at £12 for 125ml, but is pretty standard, I think, for something of its quality. I would struggle to pay that much for a massage oil monthly.  That said, most of us spend a fortune on our skin products, so why should we skimp on the quality of what we put on young and developing skins? Still, if you don’t have the money you don’t have the money.
Organic Monkey massage oil comes in a sturdy plastic bottle, which is the only thing that detracts from it, but I know in our area the plastic would be recyclable. The bottle could easily be reused anyway, if you wanted to decant from a larger bottle into a smaller one for your nappy bag or something.
Some of the products used are Fairtrade, and Organic Monkey does carry the Fairtra
de logo as well as the Soil Association stamp to say that it is in fact organic. Organic Monkey is also a socially responsible company with two charities that they support.
What it is:
Value For Money :
Competition:So, there you have it. I love Organic Monkey’s Hellow Mellow Organic Massage Oil, and give it a whopping 9- stars from Diary of a First Child.
You can win not only the Mellow Organic Massage Oil, but also the Nappy Balm in the Protect and Nourish Me Gift Set worth £20.00. To enter, leave a comment below stating what you like best about this massage oil.
The competition ends on 10 October at 23:59 and the winners will be randomly selected using Random.org.
Organic Monkey have a Facebook page, you can ‘like’ to find out about special delivery offers (it’s free at the moment, with the code on their page) and discounts as well as new products. If you do, please let them know I sent you! You can also follow Diary of a First Child on Facebook to keep up to date with future competitions and other news. If you follow either on Facebook, leave a comment below so that I know you have!
And the Winner is:
Robyn Clarke
You do not have to tweet or share this competition to enter, but doing so helps ensure that I can keep bringing you competitions! You can subscribe to Diary of a First Child by RSS or email. You can also follow us on Facebook or on Twitter. We hope to see you back again soon!
Would have loved to try the sweet orange that you mention in the post above, but I have an allergy to Oranges! I know weird or what, both my eldest son & I are the same.
no orange lollies, sweets or fruit!, yet we can have limes & lemons, no ones been able to understand it! But hey we like to be different.
I love Lavendar, hubby is a bad sleeper, but with a few drops in his evening bath even he drifts away.
I would love to know more about both essential oils & massage, I’ve read afew book, but think I really need someone to show me, nothing like a practical presentation on both.
Many thanks for a great competition. X
The citrussy smell
i love the smell of this oil
the fact that its organic is great and a wonderful start to the day
Feels and smells fantastic
Sweet, a marvellous start to the day. Even better knowing that it is organic
Lovely smell to the organic monkey oil
Pleasantly soothing and fragantly organic.
Absorbs quickly and not to greasy
I love how its relaxing for both of us and gives us quality time
id love to win 🙂
I love the fact it is made from natural ingredients 🙂
I only ever buy organic natural cosmetics and I love the scent of lavender.
Not only is it made from all natural ingredients,I can recycle it when i’ve used it all up!
this is just what I need 🙂
I really love the smell
I think I would love this aroma.
Like Organic Monkey on Facebook and said you sent me
Follow Diary of a First Child page on Facebook (Robyn Logan)
I like the sound of the “sweet orange aroma”
@Robyn Clarke, Congratulations on your win Robyn! Please email me your address so we can send your prize out! Thanks.
I like it because it soaks in and doesn’t leave a greasy feel. I love the calming effects of massage but hate ending up with a baby that feels like a basted turkey!
I like that it contains only natural ingredients
the smell…mmmmmmmmmmmmm 🙂
i like that it absorbs really quickly, nothing worse than having to wait for something to dry!
Love the name organic monkey, would love to try this!
would love to try it, i’m always weary of new products in case they dont smell nice, but this one sounds fab!
The smell. Yes. The smell.
Its a pleasant fragrant scent – not one that smells too medical like some 🙂
On reading your review the first two things you mentioned, natural and sunflowers, you had my attention (I love sunflowers!) as I continued to read the ingredients I had to double check we couldn’t eat this it sounds delicious.x
Thanks for the giveaway
Ps. Liking on Facebook Nicola Marie Reynolds and following on Twitter @Nicola_Reynolds
I love that the product is made from all natural products and smells of lavender!
I love the fact that it absorbs rapidly, some just stay on the skin. Liked both fb pages as helen E Harris have tweeted as picklepie35 😀
I love organic oil for piece of mind
I love the smell of lavender. Its one of my favourite smells along with lemon, flowers and tarmac!!! Dont think tarmac would make a good massage oil though!!! Thanks xoxo
Hi! Wow, I’ve only just started looking towards more organic products and this sounds lovely! What I like most about the oil is that it’s moisturising…most other oils that I’ve used and great for the lubrication but leave the skin dry afterwards-not pleasant! Thanks for the review!
I love that it has an orange scent. The balance of oils sound so soothing.
I love that it has an orange scent as so many do seem to be overpowering with the lavender and your review certainly has made me interested, especially as it uses natural ingredients as hasn’t left any residue on clothes etc. Difficult to find ones that moisturise well without being greasy! Thanks for the review and giveaway x
Love the fact that its organic and comes in a recycleable bottle.
It just soaks in so Rapidly
I like getting my hubby to use it on me
I’d love to try the oil – it sounds divine 🙂
I like the fact that it’s organic and contains only natural ingredients
I’ve actually just run out of a bottle of this massage oil which my very wriggly 17 month old still enjoys before bed. I love the orange-y fragrance and he smells divine after it has been used. It hasn’t been as greasy as some other massage oils we have tried. I have a bottle of another product to use up so can’t justify buying a new bottle of this one for a while.
I love that it absorbs quickly, some oils can stay on top of the skin for so long
I would be very interested in trying this massage oil. I have heard of it but cannot seem to find it to purchase where I live! Is there an online ordering website that you know of? Thanks!
@Sheila Bonnett, If you click on the image, it’ll take you directly to the shop 🙂
sounds great – i love that it absorbs extremely quickly
Although I use reiki and gentle stroking down the body to help soothe when times call for it, I have yet to use hands on massage with a medium-oil of some kind. The orange sounds wonderful and is one of my favourite smells/oils for the body. (I used to indulge in orange oil from Neals Yard when I was working!)I understand orange is one of the best for the skin and would love to have a go at oiling us up with this one x
The fact that it is organic and both me and my children can use it is great. Love the scent of orange so thats a big plus for me also.
I love lavender and i love the logo!!