Have you ever gotten your baby or toddler nice and warmly dressed, just to get out to the car and find you have to either take off their warm layers so they’ll fit in the car seat, or readjust the car seat straps? Then, having adjusted the straps so that baby/toddler is safely strapped in, you want to head home again, but the sun has come out and it’s turned into a warm day and you have to adjust the strap again? It’s one of my pet irritations. It really is. Which is why the Bug In A Rug blanket from Babyrug is sheer genius.
When we’re leaving home, I put Aviya in her rug, which is what I carry her out to the car in. She’s popped straight into the car seat and off we go. While we’re out and about I can either leaver her in the Bug because it’s thin enough that she can fit comfortably into the sling with it, and because it’s design allows her to be either ‘wrapped’ or have froggy legs in the sling. When I take her out, she’s still warm and cozy, or I can take her out of the blanket if it’s warm enough, and she can go into the car seat without it on, because it’s thin enough that no car seat adjustment is required. Like I said – genius.
As a parent myself, I understand the joy of discovering solutions that streamline daily routines. In my quest for versatile and cozy options, I recently stumbled upon an equally ingenious solution for home comfort – natural rugs from The Natural Rug Company in West Kirby. Their collection combines aesthetic appeal with sustainability, providing a warm and inviting foundation for little ones to play and explore. Just as the Bug In A Rug simplifies outdoor adventures, these natural rugs seamlessly blend functionality with style, adding an extra layer of comfort to both home and playtime.
While I have tried to do the same with normal baby sleeping bags, that’s not been as effective as I can’t strap the car seat securely without opening the zip – which defeats the aim. With the Bug in a Rug, baby’s feet go in two dedicated leg bits, so they can stay warm and safely strapped in – or in a sling, you can thread the sling between the legs without hassles.
The soft fleece is wrapped around baby in a swaddle hold, but it is loose enough that baby can move around in it too. My daughter doesn’t like being swaddled, so she can just be covered. As compared to a snow suit, for example, the baby rug is really compact and can easily go into your handbag or nappy bag.
It is machine washable, and is available in a variety of colours, which is fabulous if you’re not dominated by gender stereotypes.
The only down side of the Bug in a Rug is that it’s available in three sizes, so you’ll need new ones as your baby grows. Having said that, I have a large baby – she’s over 5kg at 8 weeks! And the small still has plenty room in it. She’ll be in it for some time yet.
Nappy changes are also easy, since there are no buttons, poppers or zips – it’s just in and out, which is very convenient.
The Bug in a Rug is not a baby essential. Your baby will make it through life without it, but it sure as heck makes my life easier, by relieving me of that odd annoyed irritation constantly adjusting the car seat straps give me. It’s also a lot easier than trying to get tiny baby fingers through arm holes on jackets or getting them stuck in the weaving on jerseys and jumpers.
This little bit of baby kit is so useful and practical, every time we’ve been out of the house with it, I’ve been asked where we got it from!
Babyrug have offered one reader of Diary of a First Child has a chance to win a Bug in a Rug. To stand a chance to win, head over to BabyRug, have a browse around, then come back here and tell me which colour and size you would prefer.
For an additional entry, (which is not compulsory, and is not sponsored by Facebook and which has nothing to do with Facebook or its employees) you can like BabyRug on Facebook, and leave a message on their wall saying I’ve sent you.
This competition finishes at 23:59 on 21 May and the winner will be randomly drawn. Winners will be announced here and on the Diary of a First Child Facebook Page. Please check these to find out who won.
And the winner is:
Please read the competition rules.
You do not have to tweet or share this competition to enter, and doing so does not give you additional entries unless otherwise stated, but doing so helps ensure that I can keep bringing you competitions! You can subscribe to Diary of a First Child by RSS or to our competitions only RSS feed or email. You can also follow us on Facebook or on Twitter. We hope to see you back again soon!
Small in hot pink please they look gorgeous xxx
Large in purple please
red in the medium please! xxx
Baby Blue – Large please
Hot pink in small please
Large in purple would be purply perfect 🙂
Large in purple please 🙂
Large – baby blue
I would love the Hot Pink in Medium for my grandaughter x
Hot Pink pls in large
Small in Baby Blue for me please.
I’d love hot pink in large…fab product! 🙂
Red in large please
baby pink small
baby blue medium
Small pink would be beautiful!
Large Red please, baby came last Monday 😀 , little girl and she has a white and a hot pink one for now, they are so cute. Thanks for the givaway.
I’d like a small in white or pink 🙂
Have already liked your and their FB pages, but left a comment on theirs 🙂
Thanks for the great giveaway 🙂
They are SO cute and since we don’t know what we get, I would go for red and medium/3-6 months please 🙂
Medium, red please x
I would like the small in baby pink for my friend who is due to have a little girl very soon.
I am liking babyrug on facebook and have said hi!
Medium in hot pink please x
I would love a baby pink one in small please 🙂
Purple 6-12 Months would be fantastic if I was lucky enough.
i would love the 6/12 months in hot pink please 🙂 and i liked there facebook page
could i please have red in large xx
I’d like the purple one in small please
i would love the Baby Blue in Pre term size
A large red would be lovely! 😀 x
oohh I would love to win a medium Purple, bug in a rug baby wrap, please
They are adorable and seem so useful.
If I had to choose a colour it would be red however I would be grateful for any colour. Due in September with hopefully 1st live baby so size small 0-3 months would be perfect however any of the sizes would be used.
large purple please, these are gorgeous
i love them all! but i would love the hot pink in medium please for my niece who has just had a little girl 🙂
Oh these look fab!
Baby white in large please. 🙂
would love red small
I would love to win a baby blue rug in small please have also facebooked
Red 6-12 months <3
red in size large
liked fb pages and said you sent me
Large red please
Medium in red
Pink 6-12 months 🙂
Red, small. Gorgeous!
The large (6-12months) purple one would be perfect 🙂
Baby Pink large
Liked BabyRug on FB and left message.x
Medium baby white please
I’d love a medium in red please.
The Bug in a Rug baby wrap purple
Would love a red in large.
Liked BabyRug on FB and left message.x
These are great! I would love 6-12 months in purple.xx
They look lovely.
Red – size 6-12 months.
Thanks xXx
Loving Purple in 6 months plus please
I would like the purple in size 6-12 months 🙂
Lovely! I’d like the Red in size medium please (3-6 months)
Medium baby blue please
Would love the purple
Id go for red and size large 🙂
ive left message on fcebook saying you sent me too 🙂 x
small baby blue please
WOW!! I’d love the Hot Pink in 6-13 months ♥
liked fb and commented
i would love the red in size large
Lovely! I’d like the Red in size medium please (3-6 months)
Medium red please 🙂
I am a fan of BabyRug on Facebook and have posted on their wall! Thank you Tracy K Nixon
Hot pink in medium please (3-6 months)
Purple 6-12m babyrug please
Hot pink medium!! Oh yeh!
Great competition! I’d love a purple 6-12m babyrug.
I’m with you in loving the Babyrug…
posted on babyrug facebook page to say you have sent me
red, 6-12 months please
Have posted on BabyRugs facebook page 🙂
I’d go for the Red in 3-6 months please 🙂
red in size 6-12 months.
Lovely, 3-6 in red please xxx
Oh fab review, I’ve been looking at footmuffs and things for when bump is born in sept! I would love a purple small one!!
Thanks xx
I would love the red medium please
I would love the blue stripe in medium!
Facebook message left.
Facebook message left 🙂
Think I’d go for a medium purple 🙂