A bumper edition for you today! Since our last Mamatography post, we’ve gone to the other side of the world!
287/366 – Happy Half Birthday, and a Bit
It’s Aviya’s seven month birthday. I can’t believe my baby is seven month’s old already. Where oh where does the time go?
288/377 – “Abu El Banat”
We’re big West Wing fans around here. Every time I see Martin with his girls, I think of the episode where President Bartlet tells of his trip to Egypt and the tour guide constantly introduces him to everyone they met as “Abu El Banat”. When asked, the guide told him it meant “father of daughters”. What’s better than a daddy’s love?
289/366 – Sisters in a Hidey Hole
Such a sweet thing, these two getting to know each other. It’s not all sunshine and roses, but it’s definitely an adventure.
290/366 – Babes in the Wood
We got this gorgeous new Rose and Rebellion carrier from Zulily and it’s just beautiful. It’s pinker than I’d have ‘chosen’ but actually, I love it! It’s a Zulily exclusive design, so if you’re not a Zulily fan yet, get on with it! I love how close we are in this sling. My beautiful girl in the her enchanted glade. Love it.
292/366 – Standing My Ground
Aviya stands up, looks around, and gives us a grin. She’s so chuffed with herself! She just loves standing up!
293/366 – All My Bags Are Packed
Travelling to Australia with two children, I decided there was value in being super-duper prepared, so I was packed and ready days before actually leaving!
295/366 – Don’t Leave Me
It’s one thing getting your baby to sleep. It’s another putting them down. It’s a completely different thing getting them to let you go. This was just so sweet – Aviya put her arm around me and wasn’t letting go! I’m sure, like cats, children can feel when there’s something ‘up’.
296/366 – Take Two
I’m uncertain as to why I thought repacking would be a good idea…
297/366 – Girls with Wings
There we are, all wrapped up and ready to go!
298/366 – Feed the Fish
Singapore’s airport, where we spent four hours waiting for our connecting flight, is amazing. There was a play area, free foot massage machines, water fountains, free phone charging and so on. There’s also an indoor butterfly garden, a garden trail and so on. It’s really amazing. Here Ameli is feeding the Koi in one of their twice a day feedings.
Thanks for joining us for our week in pictures, and apologies for the lovely Mamatography participants for making you wait so long to link up!
Thank you for sharing these precious moments in time with us.